Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pers pn] [to-vb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 One day Mr Brownlow asked him to come to his study for a little talk .
2 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
3 Some of the details are nicely done such as the antiquated ceramic water bottle offered by the porter to enable them to cope with the freezing bedrooms .
4 Since the kite has a lift component to enable it to accelerate at certain positions around the hemisphere it also has what is known as an ‘ apparent wind ’ and it is this which sustains the motion within the flight envelope .
5 The IMF 's satisfaction with Jordan 's continued implementation of economic restructuring programmes led it to approve on July 14 , 1989 , a financial package of 76,600,000 special drawing rights ( approximately US$96,000,000 ) .
6 I felt as if half of Sheffield expected us to get to Wembley so it is a relief that we 've actually done it . ’
7 there is a serious side to community education and it is highly political in nature , that it should be directed towards equalising political power at local level , that communities should be learning skills to enable them to work with , and if necessary to confront local bureaucracy .
8 This course equips you to skipper by day with some confidence , but you need previous experience ; you should have sailed 5 days on a yacht , with 4 hours night sailing and 100 miles logged .
9 Previously , they had been presented in the basic , unaffected prose of fanzines but knew they had officially arrived in the real world of music journalism when Neil Taylor asked them to pose outside Buckingham Palace .
10 At the start you need very fine control over the board to enable you to manoeuvre into position whilst all the other competitors try to do exactly the same .
11 Now , the topic that Sheila asked me to talk about was skin care .
12 My parents are very accepting ; my mum encourages me to dress for comfort rather than fashion .
13 One consequence of public anxiety is an increasing demand for scientists with the specific skills of chemists , geoscientists , biologists etc , who are aware of the contribution that their own discipline can make to understanding the environment and are sufficiently acquainted with other disciplines to enable them to work in multi-disciplinary teams .
14 St Mawgan Radar asked us to climb to 2500 feet through the MATZ .
15 He built up a large practice , relying especially on ‘ native ’ clients , and earned enough money to enable him to live in a very opulent way , even if he did not save any considerable fortune .
16 David Gettings , manager of Binns , Darlington , has presented certificates to four of six members of staff who have successfully completed a sign language course to enable them to communicate with deaf customers .
17 Caduta asked me to come to an address in Little Italy at two o'clock that afternoon .
18 However , it is clear that some people will want to consider seeking an assessment to enable them to move into a residential or nursing home .
19 We need YOUR support to enable us to continue with our work .
20 We need YOUR support to enable us to continue with our work .
21 We have provided an access fund to the institutions to enable them to deal with the few cases of hardship that genuinely occur .
22 Mr Taylor claimed Murray asked him to go to Carlisle to get him some ‘ gear ’ and after some pestering , he agreed .
23 As always with Mussorgsky , and never more so than in the case of this opera , the issues are complicated ; and though most of the work 's admirer 's would now agree that Shostakovich 's orchestration is closer to the spirit of a composer he deeply admired than that of Rimsky-Korsakov , whose admiration led him to wish to ‘ sell ’ the work in the West , there are reservations to be made .
24 Will the Minister introduce in the near future proposals enabling us to have at least as many national holidays as other European countries ?
25 Now distance receptors provide information about a possible event in the immediate future such that , through neural connections to innate movement controllers , an animal may make ‘ precurrent ’ reactions enabling it to adjust to the new information , for example , by approaching prey , or by preparatory behaviour for escape in relation to possible alarming stimuli .
26 Sadly much of the animosity generated about Cochrane and Bennett originated from within No 5 Group and a great deal I was able to counter before it reached tap-room levels , I never felt I was running with the fox because I had great feeling and admiration for both these Olympian " gores , in fact , Cochrane invited me to move to No 5 Group with him when he left No 3 Group , but I declined as I was in mid-tour .
27 ( Computer adds it to list of treasures discovered so far . )
28 The Prince wants me to go to a bloody ball . ’
29 What proposals has he to put before the House this afternoon ?
30 ( 143 ) Something of this can be learned from " The Way to the Churchyard " ( 1901 ) , an anecdote about an old failure whose fit of anger at a passing cyclist causes him to die of a stroke or seizure .
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