Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 It is also possible to unwind a futures contract at any time by performing a reversing trade , so futures contracts are generally extremely liquid ( at least for the near maturing contracts ) .
2 The 32-year-old helped Sheffield stay in big time soccer but Dave Bassett would n't stand in his way if a move back South came up .
3 Next consider a unit step function delayed by some time as depicted in figure 11.5(a) and denote it by .
4 And I think it would be a good time now to , to point out to the to s to er to say that we 'd like to have our views heard at that time .
5 In the Anglo-Italian Cup group A , Notts County two , Pisa one , on eight , Paul on twenty , getting a goal back for Pisa on thirty er approaching half time , six minutes to go before half time , across there with Colin for that half time report as soon as the whistle goes .
6 ‘ I have absolutely no plans to retire at any time . ’
7 I do n't know of any league penalty regarding players not turning up and not letting their opponents know in good time that they will not be playing .
8 Many people are struggling to get their hunters fit at this time of the year .
9 Other Windows word processors show the text re-aligning in real time , which slows the process down a little .
10 Inside the plant , levels of radiation in the abandoned reactor building rose to many times the lethal level .
11 Luke claims that Caesar Augustus ordered a census to be taken but there is no record of a census happening at that time .
12 On St Kilda solifluction and the formation of pro-talus ramparts occurred at this time ( Sutherland et al. , 1984 ) .
13 Now , Richard Fairbanks of New York 's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory has uncovered a detailed record which shows how fast global sea level rose at different times during the transformation from the glacial to the post-glacial world .
14 As the sea level rose in Post-glacial times two conflicting physical processes took place : a tendency for the sea to invade the area and to leave behind extensive deposits of marine silt and a tendency for a large-scale development of peat in the districts furthest away from the sea .
15 One Lubavitch rabbi in Stoke Newington organises gifts and loans — often running into thousands of pounds — for congregants fallen on hard times .
16 We may be meant to think that time is simultaneous , in a way that may owe something to the simultaneity propounded , ‘ perhaps ’ , in Eliot 's Four Quartets , where ‘ History is now and England ’ ; or that it is cyclical , a turning wheel , with human depravity paling into insignificance as the wheel turns into modern times .
17 By the end of 12 months the first group recorded 20 per cent lower medical claims than the other two , and the savings amounted to six times the cost of the health promotion package they had received .
18 It was the largest iron roof-span erected at that time , with arches composed of wrought-iron deck-beam spanning 153 feet 6 inches .
19 One victim , who 's had his car broken into 3 times , says Gloucestershire is not unique .
20 A conference of central committee secretaries of communist and workers ' parties aligned at that time to the Soviet bloc was held in Varna , Bulgaria , on Sept. 26-28 , 1989 .
21 A night sitter was booked for the first night , with a home care aide to go in several times the following day .
22 The Revenue has for some time been concerned about what is done with the money .
23 The most obvious incentive towards entertainment was ‘ the fact that the industry stands at all times in the presence of a high court with unlimited jurisdiction — the people before the box office ’ and from that court ‘ there is no appeal ’ .
24 BML has for some time been concerned about the declining popularity of the NBS , which began in a blaze of publicity in 1955 .
25 The University of Warwick has for some time provided the possibility of studying both English and foreign texts in a comparative way at undergraduate level .
26 Now the Palace Stud lives on borrowed time as Indian racing moves up a gear .
27 If he does not , he has in effect accepted at one time the proposition ( the matter put upon the mat ) ‘ Telling even a minor lie to advance one 's career is always wrong , even though it harms no one ’ and at another time ‘ Telling a minor lie , which harms no one , in order to advance one 's career is not always wrong ’ .
28 There were three poor brothers living at that time who owned nothing in the world but one pear tree .
29 But nobody could get the movie made at that time , and the question now was whether Val was n't too old for the part .
30 The most important development in sprint and marathon racing for some time was the introducing of starting gates at the World Sprint Championships in Paris .
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