Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun sg] from an " in BNC.

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1 IF KUWAIT deserves liberation from an aggressor , why not Tibet ?
2 Large-scale public-sector redundancies and sharp increases in the prices of basic commodities , especially food , were expected in view of the government 's plan to reduce inflation from an estimated annualized 100 per cent to 15 per cent and to deregulate the economy .
3 Still chasing a place in Europe next season , Celtic took heart from an honourable draw at Aberdeen last week .
4 You can think of them as the wires leading from a bank of three million photocells ( actually three million relay stations gathering information from an even larger number of photocells ) to the computer that is to process the information in the brain .
5 But the Euro-sceptics got support from an unexpected source on Monday evening .
6 Such a scheme would undoubtedly provide a greater degree of certainty than under the present law but would be open to the objection that it would leave without redress any persons suffering injury from an unlisted activity , whether omission arose from ignorance of the risk or commercial or political pressures on the government of the day .
7 Senior executives prefer approach from an intermediary 11
8 The formulation of care plans is a valuable teaching and learning exercise , provided the student has guidance from an experienced member of staff .
9 In that case the defendant auditors claimed immunity from an action for negligence .
10 The anecdotal view has been that his brevity of tenure reflected animosity from an Anglican establishment , disturbed by Lyell 's rejection of a recent , universal flood .
11 In Cundy v. Lindsay ( 1878 H.L. ) the seller , Lindsay , received a letter from a rogue called Blenkarn from an address at 37 , Wood Street , Cheapside .
12 A controlled experiment using the normal commercial pig feed and a mixture containing herbage from an alien aquatic plant , Justicia americana , common in the area , resulted in no significant change in pig growth rate .
13 In the standard formation model , millisecond pulsars are formed when a neutron star accretes matter from an evolving companion .
14 This position received support from an emerging environmental movement and an influential new report — Limits to Growth from the Club of Rome — which warned that the world was running out of oil and almost everything else .
15 William Day 's controversial story gained support from an unexpected source — PC Butcher , a constable at Newbury .
16 Another contrasting feature is that the C/EBPδ cDNA transfected in Hep3B cells activates transcription from an IL-6RE synthetic promoter in a constitutive manner which is not further enhanced by IL-6 .
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