Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] all [det] " in BNC.

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1 My sympathy goes to all those who have lost loved ones in motorway smashes over the holiday season , but the emotion I feel most is anger .
2 Ta'kwanya refers to all those particular cultural capabilities a specific type of people have that enable them to live as they do : it is their means of living and fulfilling their material needs ; it is their way of doing things in the material sense .
3 club rules say about all this ?
4 Thus , in the 1960s , the initiative passed to what became known as the ‘ New Left ’ — which in practice referred to all those who sought radical social change in Latin America .
5 It is very difficult for candidates to cope with all these nuances and to give an accurate picture of themselves .
6 From The Great Train Robbery ( 1903 ) onwards , the Western has been informed by a species of bitter nostalgia , looking back to the wild days of the West and questioning the value of the civilisation won by all that exciting gunplay .
7 This chapter deals with all these concepts ‘ towards number ’ .
8 My agent deals with all that kind of stuff . ’
9 You were saying that th the , the trainers pay for all these horse walks and maintain them ?
10 nobody went , dear old Maisie went to all that trouble
11 Well , where does Freud stand in all this ?
12 Many thanks go to all those who have kept him going in his spare time with their contributions of spare yarn .
13 I could not possibly have been better looked after in any private hospital and my thanks and appreciation go to all those who made my recovery possible .
14 FOR MOST of the '70s and all of the '80s , this monumental folly-cum- tour de force was universally derided as the cypher standing for all that was preposterous about the British progressive rock movement .
15 ‘ Where does Dana come into all this ?
16 This was why , for the greater part of her education , she had been sent off to a small private boarding-school , where Harriet liked to feel that the company of contemporaries compensated for all that was lacking in her home environment .
17 The induction into beliefs and values separated from all that is religiously controversial or ill-fitting in a secularist , pluralist world , which the HCF model sees as the focus of RE , is performing a valuable educational service , but it is one which can and should be shared by the school as a whole , and every subject-area in it .
18 The road from Hanover to Nordhausen passed through all that was best in West Germany and all that was worst in the East .
19 I decided to form a committee consisting of all former Ministers of Home Affairs under my chairmanship and between us we survived the celebrations .
20 To be a girl surrounded by all these men , it was sometimes wise to pretend to be deaf .
21 She stretched out her hand to click on the bedside light , checked her watch , then lay back , panic subsiding , her eyes staring at the ceiling while the terrible immediacy of the dream began to fade , recognized for what it was , an old spectre returning after all these years , conjured up by the events of the night and by the reiteration of the word ‘ murder ’ which , since the Whistler had begun Iris work , seemed to murmur sonorously on the very air .
22 For , in the act of creativity , struggle and conflict are necessary elements instilled in all that is created .
23 Woodruffe listened to all this with deepening anxiety .
24 At the same time an uneasy shudder passed through all those sitting round the table .
25 The question begged by all these glowing predictions is whether they will ever be fulfilled .
26 I took myself up to Highbury to hear about all this .
27 How had Dorothy found patience to look after all these plants !
28 ‘ There was no need to go to all this trouble , ’ she said .
29 At one time , it was envisaged that the Yale Sixth Form College at Wrexham would also be incorporated into the Institute to form a comprehensive establishment catering for all those over the age of sixteen .
30 It was my job to go to all these various places and collect the money and take the numbers on the till and collect the money and put it in a bag , put it in the safe .
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