Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] the [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 Sally-Anne , her heart thudding in the strangest way when he asked her this , as though he had said something much more intimate , and then suddenly understanding by the ambiguous way in which he had spoken that he had offered her other games than chess , and his wicked expression betraying that he had seen her confusion , flushed , and he added softly , so that Matey could not hear him , ‘ Come , McAllister , give me your answer — you surely wish to please the Master in every way possible , ’ the last bit in a fake American accent so bad that she laughed out loud .
2 In Spain , we took Hal Hambra from a loss to a profit and the award of the Albanta Prize by the Spanish government and this is an award given to the best new text book in , in the Spanish educational system each year .
3 Two pupils from Macmillan College in Middlesbrough showed Mr Fallon how they used the CDRom to search for the latest information about the fall of the Berlin Wall , the construction of the Channel Tunnel , and pollution in Teesside for their school projects .
4 US troops in Panama remain on the highest state of alert .
5 Like Las Vegas money machines — where lights whirl , the jackpot flashes and the sound of cascading money plays for the smallest win — so the sprung plywood floor of the wrestling ring thuds and echoes with exaggerated effect .
6 Search literature refers to the best path as having the lowest cost .
7 New products developed by the best-performing machine-tool makers tended to start their lives with ‘ fuzzy ’ specifications , allowing for significant design changes before they reached the customer .
8 I had both radiators removed and transferred to the lorry and told the driver to go to the nearest large town and to contact the best plumber to help me repair the radiators .
9 I enclose some of your forms completed to the best of my ability from information given by parish councillors .
10 Conspicuously absent was Mr Ruslan Khasbulatov , the abrasive and ambitious Speaker , whose manoeuvring led to the latest crisis .
11 Moreover , blanket support by volume of output ensures that most of the support goes to the wealthiest 25 per cent of landowners , who produce 75 per cent of output .
12 India 's young idealists of the early Seventies gave up bright futures to work with the poorest .
13 This is the operations base for the largest onshore oil field in Western Europe .
14 The number of levels ranged from two to five , but only one scheme had a level designed for the lowest ten per cent of attainers .
15 In elements with multiple electron orbits , the smallest orbits correspond with the lowest energy and these fill up first .
16 Then he lay in a Dublin hospital bed with his neck in a brace , his rugby future hanging by the merest thread .
17 Eighty per cent of our bilateral aid goes to the poorest countries .
18 Nevertheless , the jury 's finding that Poindexter was part of a conspiracy involving members of the Reagan administration amounted to the clearest judicial verdict yet rendered upon the Iran-contra scandal .
19 It does no harm to write to the nearest local residents and businesses , but generally this is a long shot .
20 David Goldsmith looks at the latest developments in equipment technology
21 Doyle 's eyes flickered to the nearest table behind Rosie .
22 Salisbury did not share half the views held by those who accepted his lead , but he was a focus for the increasing Unionist discontent , a respectable public figure acting from the highest motives ; by 1921 he had made the diehard opposition a formidable force .
23 We shall see that in fact , Black British speakers focus on the broadest Creole variety , though they code switch between this and British English to an extent which varies from individual to individual and from situation to situation .
24 His lips curved in the faintest of smiles .
25 The major improvement to be found by including the GFF is the reduction in the number of words selected as the best .
26 Check that the l.e.d.s connected to the lowest outputs flash first and that the display rapidly ‘ decays ’ when the sound stops .
27 McRae roared to the fastest times on five of yesterday 's 10 timed stages through the rain-lashed Welsh forests .
28 What , after all , is the difference between a priest acting in the highest sense of his vocation , or a prophet compelled into declamation , or such a saint ( even unknowing ) , opening himself up to the mercies of God , becoming a channel for them to the world ?
29 This weekend Labour and Tory strategists agreed on the worst of them : the triumphalism that crept into Labour 's Sheffield rally , a week before polling day ; the decision to push constitutional change to the top of the agenda in the final week .
30 Augustus John 's ‘ leonine personality ’ was well known , as was Wilson Steer 's total life devotion to his ‘ absorbing passion for painting , ’ 12 or Sickert 's arrogant self-belief — all artists Walker admired as the best and aligned herself with .
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