Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] seem [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The problem arises particularly when the data collected seems to be a product of the research method used rather than of what is being studied .
2 As it happens , cases have been reported recently in which animals do seem to be able to recognize their relatives as such , but that is another story .
3 Even during their teasing exchange his eyes had seemed to be giving another message , trailing over her lips and , briefly , to the V of her blouse .
4 As first to go in the nine-horse jump-off , Halliday had seemed to be handicapped by the draw .
5 The following have been found where the complement does seem to be entailed : ( 101 ) She was charged with receiving the mink-coat knowing it to have been stolen .
6 Nationalism had been primarily supported by liberals , because the emergence of self-governing nations had seemed to be a final step towards the effective protection of individual rights .
7 Nevertheless , in its emphases on Aegidius and on the Thuringians , the story of Childeric 's exile does seem to be drawing on real events .
8 Ophiopristis does seem to be similar in appearance to Ophiologimus H. L. Clark , 1911 but differs mainly in the form of the tentacle pore which is slightly smaller with larger tentacle scales than Ophiologimus .
9 However , Article 16 allows ‘ the States Parties ’ ( and the use of the plural is puzzling , as the action contemplated seems to be by individual states , and will be effective in this context only insofar as the declarant state is the state of destination ) to declare that the convention 's provisions cover the execution of letters rogatory in criminal , labour , and ‘ contentious-administrative ’ cases .
10 But , even if she did find their name and address , since the alternator needed seemed to be going to take some time to track down , there seemed little point in trying to contact them that day .
11 In the 1980s attention was drawn to the small bowel , where the secretory and motor responses to stress seem to be different in IBS patients .
12 In all cases , however , the work did seem to be informed by a personal identity and experience which is clearly female .
13 Placards do seem to be in vogue at the moment : there is a pastiche of Bob Dylan 's ‘ Subterranean Homesick Blues ’ lyrics-on-cards promo film in Bob Roberts and super photographer Steven Meisel used slogans on white cards in a recent celebrity shoot for Italian Vogue .
14 So the universe does seem to be roughly the same in every direction , provided one views it on a scale large compared to the distance between galaxies , and ignores the differences on small scales .
15 It is very easy to be beastly if you are , say , Norman Tebbit or Dennis Healey — although the old bruiser does seem to be showing distinct signs of turning into a benign grandpa .
16 For a while now the man they call the greatest living actor has seemed to be coasting .
17 In this respect at least family responsibilities do seem to be very different for women and men , both as givers and receivers .
18 The package does seem to be put together in , in , in one way that seems to be fundamentally fair .
19 He ( or she , although hacking does seem to be a sex-related disorder ) becomes de-socialised through lack of human contact .
20 He had dropped down on to one knee and with head bowed seemed to be pushing at the trolley before him , which for some reason had taken on an obstinate immobility .
21 However , two of the First Class singles illustrated seem to be a late or a second printing .
22 There is nothing very new about it all Alf Ramsey was hounded out despite winning the World Cup , while Don Revie , Ron Greenwood and Bobby Robson came in for vilification but things do seem to be getting worse .
23 Our relationship does seem to be improving but obviously I 'm worried that we now seem to be paying 50% more than we expected .
24 And charity does seem to be relevant , when we 're hearing that people now , in our own time are really in a an awful state in parts of the world .
25 Earlier in the day Mr Yeltsin had seemed to be inching toward compromise with his critics .
26 Our organisation does seem to be top-heavy and in need of radical overhaul .
27 It is often repeated that hummingbird flowers are red , part of the ornithophilous ‘ syndrome ’ , and indeed , red does seem to be preferred by these birds .
28 Things had seemed to be opening up .
29 The implicature the people derive seems to be that , if they hear starling-like noises starlings must be there .
30 Nonetheless , it is slightly surprising that staff responding seemed to be generally not dissatisfied with their situation .
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