Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] we [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Presumably there are adaptive strategies to enable us to endure the unendurable .
2 ‘ However , we will continue with the appeal to raise money to enable us to run the scanner .
3 Caddis houses helped us take the previous step ; snail shells will help us take this one .
4 ‘ The traders asked us to regenerate the area and the first thing they do is criticise , ’ he said .
5 It is important to us to maintain and seek to improve those ratings to enable us to minimise the cost of our borrowings .
6 Woolley wants us to kill the observers , ’ Killion said .
7 The existing clients helped us to raise the money and went round their relatives .
8 For our second experiment let us take the opposite tack .
9 Any attempt to help us overcome the weakness we may feel when encountering conflict must allow for this fundamental element in conflict management .
10 All we in fact observe is that h is regularly followed by B. This consistent association leads us to connect the two in our own minds , to expect A always to be followed by B , and this we then express by saying that A is the cause of B and B the effect of A. This is all perfectly in order , and indeed it is through such links and associations that we build up an ordered and coherent conception of the world around us and make sense of our experience of it .
11 I felt there was public benefit from offering this type of information by radio and I have asked Media Action to let us have the enquirers ' addresses so that we can get a geographical appreciation of where the calls came from ( one or two came from Fife )
12 The cameraman then came on board and we left the quay ; we returned and he transferred to a motor boat to film us leaving the quay .
13 I got ta make a dozen mince pies for the , she said can you make a dozen mince for the , I said no Sheila , she said pardon , I said no , I said I 'd buy twelve I will not make twelve , so after that she 's , then went round everybody could make twelve mince pies , it 's a bit of a nerve is n't it ? , seems a bit of a nerve asking us to buy the wool and make
14 How far , then , does our knowledge of how genes code for proteins enable us to explain the shapes of organisms ?
15 All the same , Patrick O'Brian 's skill in stitching what is , to him , historical fact into a unified fabric helps us to forget the often tiresome contrivances of historical fiction .
16 The rule tells us to leave the direction of each point from the origin as it was ,
17 Both free-standing and relief work in ceramic by Steve Downey is exceptional in craftsmanship , while Tim Holding invites us to pick the bones from Unstable Equilibrium , hanging weightily on the wall .
18 This simple and inexpensive technique allows us to take the pressure off enlarged extended families with limited fields and enables them to grow more without fertilizers or more land .
19 As we get older reality requires that the ideal and the self are reconciled ; ambitions are relaxed ; unrealistic goals are abandoned as time and opportunity compel us to change the idealized concept we have for ourselves .
20 In this case let us consider the healthy child and the illnesses that commonly occur in childhood .
21 Abelard encourages us to see the cross as a moving force for change .
22 He did not ant to see us make the same mistake in Iran as it might cost us much more if we did not move now " .
23 The psalms let us hear the exultant shouts of the worshippers , and allow us to join in imagination with the pilgrims who go up to Jerusalem to keep the festivals .
24 The availability of novel , relatively specific antagonists of the 5HT receptor subtypes allowed us to evaluate the mechanism of 5HT induced acceleration of ICJ transit .
25 Some const constructive criticisms to help us rationalize the college visits .
26 These peptide motifs allowed us to search the sequences of known P. falciparum antigens for potential epitopes for HLA-B53 and -B35 .
27 Marcia Pointon 's fascinating essay on the contemporary portrait leads us to question the central relationship between artist , sitter and spectator .
28 John Smith , the shadow Chancellor , said last night : ‘ What he does n't seem to realise is that interest rates mean that it will be much harder for industry to get on its feet to help us overcome the balance of payments deficit .
29 Hurstdown 's Benedictine origins encourage us to emphasize the language of Catholicism at the expense of that of Orthodoxy .
30 Historical circumstances allow us to trace the change from archaic to classical most clearly in Athens , but other cities — Argos , Sicyon , Aegina — figure largely in the literary sources for this period , especially for their artists in bronze , and it is likely that these were prominent in the revolution .
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