Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] they [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Some horses are naturally more sensitive than others and the rider 's weight causes them to hollow and stiffen .
2 Purchaser research is the name given to the research services we can provide to our clients to help them advance and achieve strategic objectives .
3 Corbett watched them go and smiled to himself at what he had learnt .
4 The seal saw them shimmer and melt away until one day the penguin said to her :
5 The Sheriff of Cornwall chanced to be in the town and he and the Mayor persuaded them to disperse and go home .
6 For a transitional period , industrial policy should include the option of erecting external barriers in some sectors to allow them to restructure and modernise .
7 Five minutes , before you start it though now that it might not apply to you , you might not have control over training , and perhaps down the left hand side you put well what methods do they use and you might put the other side then you go back and suggest to your boss will you alright .
8 Puffing our experiences and views into words gives them meaning and enables us to feel confident and in control .
9 So 28-year-old Neil had them removed and now has a false set after losing the rest while playing sport .
10 Ok , so these do nt look too impressive in this font , but the advert had them italicised and the ‘ 6 ’ squarer , so they were basically ‘ E ’ s with the bottom bits joined up .
11 As a result ? exploitation led them to organise and , through militancy , question the logic of power in the system .
12 Maggie watched them go and then went to find Felipe .
13 Students are often uncertain whether they are taking the right kind of notes to help them survive and succeed at college .
14 Things get much more complicated on later levels , though , where you have to keep moving around to nudge bubbles in the right direction to avoid them colliding and dropping all the grubs .
15 These later towns might then have been either assisted in their development by their royal or ecclesiastical lords or owners , or actually given a regular street pattern and/or a market place to encourage them to grow and expand .
16 Orcadai gestured them to silence and paced the length of the room .
17 The bacteria will then start to attack the gums causing them to swell and bleed .
18 There can be a sharp discrepancy between the degree of freedom and dignity that workers believe they deserve and the control that employers think is necessary for their authority to be maintained .
19 But is that not part of our job to get them to think and ?
20 ‘ How many troops do they have and how many tanks and guns ?
21 Over the next twelve months we expect a further increase in those needing our Home Care service to enable them to live and die at home .
22 The geologists suggest they coalesced and collided with the coast about 55 million years ago , adding large parts of the San Francisco Bay region to the landscape .
23 In the second account , Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests , and while they were on their way they discovered they were cured .
24 Because , if you 'd done right , the solder resist they try and put it all over there and it 's gon na screw up their manufacturing and stuff .
25 If the result is unsatisfactory it can be used as a motivating factor to persuade them to try and make an improvement .
26 I have written to the BBC asking them to reconsider and do a third series .
27 The parents had n't been offered any sort of advice or counselling ; they had all received a letter from Paul Lee inviting them to come and talk to his department , but no one had offered them any information about their children ; if they wanted that they had to ring up the department and ask for it .
28 ‘ I worked through the night to get them done and then drove to her house where she was confined to bed , ’ says Alan .
29 The work-relationship gives them drive and commitment .
30 The coastal resort of Skegness and Mablethorpe have long been famous for the seaside delights they offer and for many , who do not know East Lindsey well , these may be the only places here that they have heard of .
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