Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] that [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , the village case study revealed that none of the village practitioners were in favour of promoting the LGS message .
2 The costs of a non-Europe research programme suggest that something in the region of 0.5 per cent of Community GDP may be " wasted " by nations favouring domestic public procurement policies and therefore an effective competition policy to counteract such protection measures must be accompanied by a re-distributive regional policy .
3 Being together even wrought a curious change in their characters ; Oldfield noticed that something of his diffidence seemed to have rubbed off on Branson .
4 In the Quran , Allah says that everything in this universe vests absolutely in Allah ( Sura al-Maidah , ayat 17 ) and that the State is but a mere Trustee .
5 But polls suggest that it may be the most popular party within all the black linguistic groups ; and the fighting in the mostly-Zulu province of Natal between the ANC and Inkatha shows that plenty of South Africa 's 8m Zulus take the ANC 's side .
6 Professor Glennerster says that his research shows that none of the alleged scares about the scheme could be found to be true .
7 There was also the belief that traditional methods ensure that everyone in the class gets the same information and that you therefore know what pupils have learned .
8 And in 1958 , when over eight million households had television licences , the various trade associations formed the Film Industry Defence Organization ( FIDO ) in an attempt to ensure that none of the nation 's producers sold their films to television .
9 ess essentially i it 's , absolute egalitarianism means that everybody within the village or the
10 Although persistent overlapping and the resultant anomalies means that none of these economic groupings were exclusive , the character of each is governed by the bias of its composition ; the minor gentlemen comprehended in the £10. — £19 range for instance , were too heavily outnumbered to be in any real sense typical of it .
11 The Miscarriage Association believes that one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage often so early that even the mother is not aware .
12 The conference in 1968 reported by Rosenthal and Kety concluded that none of these factors had yet been convincingly established as having a causal role .
13 Richard explained that everyone on the E-mail network has an electronic mailbox to which letters can be ‘ posted ’ .
14 That urgency , she added , was even greater in the party 's Scottish heartland , where Labour knows that anything but a convincing election challenge could allow the Scottish National Party rapidly to mobilise a bandwagon of anti-Conservative protest .
15 Well research suggests that something like eighty eight percent , that 's research by Klaus and Bass , Klaus and Bass nineteen eighty-eight , actually I may have got that date wrong so I 'm not sure you should quote the date , anyway it 's Klaus and Bass .
16 Our own work found that one in three managers appeared to go through a sense of crisis in their late thirties .
17 Randi says that none of these feats would have been possible if researchers had followed his advice .
18 The Upper School also had its own head — the former deputy head of the Grammar School , who by his quality and determination guaranteed that nothing of value was lost in this elaborate and dangerous transition .
19 When we look at Poe 's tales , the structure seems predictable , even formulaic : the dawning sense that all is not as it should be ; the attempts to explain away the moaning sounds that something inside him is nevertheless compelling him to hear ; the fight with fancy , as if one could will away one 's deepest fear ; and then the horrified recognition that what one was most afraid of is there , behind the antique panels , waiting to throw one to the floor .
20 The judge accepted that he at least attempted to put to her that it was an extremely onerous document and made her liable down to the last penny if Eratex Ltd. failed .
21 But Benskins said that none of these things was important . ’
22 Maccoby and Jacklin 's ( 1974 ) and later work suggests that none of these hypotheses of differences can be supported .
23 So far as the genesis of the revolutionary intelligentsia is concerned , revisionist work suggests that none of the traditional explanations is entirely satisfactory .
24 The judge concluded that none of the documents or the contents of them satisfied the requirement of the kind of confidential information which an employer is entitled to prevent an ex-employee from using after the termination of the employer/employee relationship .
25 Mr Doblin claimed that no-one at the hotel seemed to know what the cost of a telephone call should be .
26 Ubaldo Valesio reckoned that someone in the family was passing on information .
27 When he knew of his wife 's pregnancy Ernest requested that none of their names should go into the ballot until after the baby 's birth .
28 But one large finance house which circulates new customers with literature promoting other loan possibilities reported that one in five pursue the offer no indication that the ‘ loans as loans ’ stage is with us yet , but a tribute to the power of the advertising which could bring it closer .
29 But this record shows that something like 30,340 imperial shillings were expected in revenue : 3300 from the Patrimony , 5800 from religious institutions , and 21,200 , the lion 's share , from states and vassals .
30 The report of the cardiac services review group states that none of London 's 14 cardiac tertiary care centres is ideal .
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