Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] he [was/were] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The only occasion that the present writer met him was as a member of a deputation to appeal for troop protection for Protestant homes that were being stoned and shot into by the Provisional IRA .
2 Turner may have finally made up his mind to move after being dropped from the Newbridge side which travelled to Swansea on Saturday after Newport announced he was on his way to Rodney Parade .
3 He wanted his fans to know he was on the mend .
4 The official report from the hospital stated that when the President arrived he was in a state of complete coma , with no recordable blood pressure or pulse , ‘ the eyes wide open , with no response to light ’ , and no reflexes anywhere .
5 When the trains came in or out , sending the pigeons wheeling from the vaulted roof and the steam rolling against the windows , Meredith felt he was on the poop of some ancient brig sailing a ghostly sea .
6 The witness said he was in his caravan at an itinerant site on the Upper Glen Road when he was woken by the sound of gunfire .
7 Fellow worker Robert Howes said he was with Alan Dimmer when the components became jammed .
8 According to popular myth , Law discovered he was on the list to leave Old Trafford from a TV report when he was visiting his sick mother in Aberdeen .
9 I think even Nigel thought he was on dodgy ground here , but it was worth a try .
10 Human rights group say he was in charge of Bolivian death squads responsible for murdering hundreds of journalists , political and labour leaders , and church officials .
11 Cheltenham taxi driver , Richard Morris says he was on cloud 9 when he realised what had happened .
12 Who else but Daly could be humble enough to offer to withdraw from the 1993 US Ryder Cup team if his team-mates do n't want him , and get fined for fast play , officials deciding he was in contempt by completing the second round of the TPD Championship in just over two hours .
13 Even the genial Binkie Beaumont was prepared to pay him a third of what the experienced Emlyn Williams knew he was worth and could get .
14 Later the film director said he was in love with the young woman , who was adopted by Farrow and Andre Previn when they were married .
15 Mansell last night admitted he was considering driving in the infamous Indy sports car series in the USA — despite fears about safety .
16 Yet Atkinson revealed he was on the verge of quitting during a never-ending battle against injury last season .
17 Dillon gave no sign of being frightened , but Tweed sensed he was like a coiled spring .
18 Lindner thought he was on his way to Headingley on a similar deal and was expecting a contract to be faxed to him yesterday .
19 And having saved John Smith 's skin at the Labour party Conference , with his rumbustious performance in the one member , one vote debate , Mr Prescot knew he was in a position to call in his debts .
20 ‘ But on the night Sir Ralph died he was in Philippa 's bed , and on the night Sir Gerard died , in his lady 's chamber .
21 Byrne was not a particularly big man , standing only 5 feet 9 inches and weighing 13 stone , but Deaf Burke was even smaller at 5 feet 8½ inches , and 12 stone 7 lbs , so the Irishman felt he was onto a good thing .
22 But three minutes later Captain Fuchs knew he was in real trouble when the unbelievable happened — the jumbo 's second starboard engine caught fire .
23 When morning came he was in pain and not best pleased .
24 The prison Governor says he was in a disturbed state .
25 AB alleges he discovered , through records obtained before he launched a £200,000 legal action against the transfusion service , that the donor knew he was in a high-risk group for HIV infection .
26 The night after Sandy won he was in the marquee that was holding his celebration dinner , with his apron on cleaning up and wishing everybody would go so he could get some peace and quiet .
27 Bus driver with a friendly charm is Britain 's best A bus driver thought he was in trouble when a stranger telephoned his manager asking for his name .
28 The Prince felt he was in the company of someone very special , took great delight in time spent talking to him , and was inspired by all that he heard .
29 The Select Committee on Members ' Interests found he was in ‘ clear breach of the terms and the spirit ’ of the rules on declaration of interests for failing to tell other committee members of his links with a company making flight simulators .
30 Over the next few months Endill began to hate his schoolwork more and more ; not because it was difficult and boring but because he thought what the teachers taught him was of no use .
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