Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] it have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A statement from the company 's offices at Dartford said that because of the Arts Council cut it had to go into voluntary liquidation .
2 The problem of Sunday caddies was again aired but not to any effect , the committee believing it had to abide by the ‘ banning ’ decision made at the earlier bondholders meeting .
3 Being shackled to one epoch meant it had to change and adapt but try to reconcile this with harsh realities .
4 It sometimes happens that the Pump Wagon 's move means it has to traverse terrain which it can not cross .
5 c ) If B is pointing at 12 , how many right angles does it have to turn through in turning clockwise to point to 9 ?
6 THE European Community knows it has to support the liberal and democratic reforms of its eastern neighbours .
7 Inside , Virgin 's pilots are landing on runway twenty seven at Heathrow , in the simulator they can take off and land as often as they like at this the world 's busiest airport , but in real life Virgin says it has to fight for slots to take off and land at the times to suit business travellers , it blames B A. B A says it does n't allocate slots or monopolize Heathrow Airport .
8 If there were an Iraqi missile strike so serious that Israel felt it had to retaliate , an air corridor would have to be cleared by the American command in Saudi Arabia to allow the Israeli raid .
9 ‘ Post-Hillsborough , the game realised it had to become more professional in its business outlook .
10 Today Barclaycard announced it has to cut costs and cut jobs .
11 The round-up took two weeks and the army found it had to move 232 elephants .
12 ‘ By 1976 , the Government decided it had to act and that led to the first TV campaign with the line ‘ Do n't take your car for a drink ’ . ’
13 Britain knows it has to preserve Hong Kong 's autonomy .
14 What the hell did it have to do with her whether he looked good , bad or indifferent ?
15 Grand Met maintains it had to issue the leases after a Monopolies and Mergers Commission report which said the six big brewers could not own more than 2,000 pubs .
16 I said women should have a choice : the hospital said it had to have a policy . ’
17 Its strongest American card is its 44% stake in Amdahl Corp , and while IBM appears to be playing into Amdahl 's hands in the short term , Amdahl knows it has to build a big new business almost from scratch out of Unix and its Huron applications development and delivery environment if it is to grow much beyond its present $2,500m or so annual business .
18 What responsibility does it have to try to influence the human outlook ?
19 The R4000SMP iteration will feature new memory and bus modifications and integrated cache — the company says it had to alter previous MIPS ' R series parts to accommodate the cache .
20 Transport costs cut into that favourable balance ; the Company reckoned it had to sell Indian cotton textiles at 2½ to 3 times their Indian price to cover costs , and dividends were not normally above 7 or 8 per cent a year .
21 Meanwhile MPs and councillors from Gloucestershire have asked the Local Government Minister to give the county enough money to prevent it having to make cuts .
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