Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 These guys do anything , you know , U turns in the middle of anywhere , they , they can do it , you ca n't .
2 In the Catholic school moral education is a whole school task where pupils are enabled to experience moral values lived in the life of the school .
3 For an instant , in her imagination , the ballroom was peopled with guests , and Benedict was partnering her , his gold hair gleaming in the light , his eyes on hers … dancing with the bride .
4 Mounted on fine horses and riding at a gallop , two abreast , naked to the breech-clout , their faces covered with white , red and yellow paint in fanciful designs , and decked with plumes and feathers and trinkets fluttering in the sunshine .
5 At Hawes there are shops , cafes , pubs , a rope works , the biggest sheep mart in the Dales and a cheese factory where the traditional Wensleydale cheeses with their distinctive mild flavour and crumbly flesh are made .
6 Five guitar cases sit in the corner of the room , betraying his affection for — and expertise in producing — guitar-orientated groups .
7 The Great Earth Mother Mafulke lived in the Underworld and tended the enormous fires which blazed there .
8 This is reminiscent of the hypothetical primal horde where the tribal father kept the women to himself and allowed the sons to remain in the family on sufferance ’
9 The only sound was the sea against the rocks and the hollow call of hungry birds circling in the sky .
10 Foxgloves form the foreground of my design this month , with sunflowers reaching up to the flocks of birds circling in the sky , above the cottage rooftops .
11 This policy has been international in scope , as was presaged by LIFFE 's early attempt to use its niche in the European time zone to create a market in US T-bond futures , for which the CBoT had established the world 's most successful futures contract in the US time zone .
12 It is appropriate in this case that there should be an interim residence order , and there should be directions attached to that order that A. be returned forthwith to the care of his father and that G. , R. and M. remain in the care of their father and that there be an inter partes hearing with service of the application as quickly as the Portsmouth County Court can make it possible to be heard , which means within a matter of days not a matter of weeks , because it would be quite wrong for this matter to die down once the child is returned .
13 Clause 10.2 of Precedent 2 provides an express right for the buyer to cancel in the event of breach by the seller .
14 Stephanie Middleton was yesterday voted one of the two runners-up in the 1992 Livewire UK Business Start Up Awards , winning herself £1,000 to invest in the business .
15 The age and sex distribution of children who had acute lymphoblastic leukaemia diagnosed in the study area conformed to expected patterns , with slightly more boys and a peak age at diagnosis of 3 years ; the excess of Down 's syndrome in young children with non-lymphocytic forms of leukaemia is as would be expected .
16 Investment in canals had brought prosperity for many shareholders and there was similar enthusiasm to invest in the railways .
17 Dr Mackintosh was a red-faced Scot with mousy greying hair parted in the middle and tiny gold-rimmed glasses on the tip of his rather short nose .
18 She was a very efficient , neat woman with a reddish face , her hair parted in the middle and drawn back tightly against her head .
19 With hair parted in the middle , he retained the appearance of a youthful student almost to the end .
20 Alexandra , in her new afternoon dress , her hair parted in the middle and drawn up by Lyddy into a series of padded puffs and curves behind , waited in the drawing-room on the edge of the sofa .
21 ‘ Self ’ turned out to be a dark-complexioned , somewhat solemn- looking young woman , with large eyes and swept-back hair parted in the middle .
22 And what I think it would be helpful for us to talk about is where we sit in this business , just for half an hour , where does T N T sit in the industry ?
23 This involves increasing the number of cases heard in the county courts , thereby maintaining High Court hearings for public law cases , specialist cases and general list cases of importance , complexity and substance .
24 For reasons given in the text , all figures should be treated carefully .
25 My Lords , for the reasons given in the speech to be delivered by my noble and learned friend , Lord Slynn of Hadley , which I have had the opportunity of reading in draft and with which I agree , I would dismiss this appeal .
26 For these reasons and for the reasons given in the judgment of Scott L.J. , I , too , would allow this appeal .
27 I also agree that for the reasons given in the judgment of Scott L.J .
28 Before death , the drug accumulates in the heart muscles , the kidneys and the liver .
29 On March 4 temporary permission to remain in the UK was granted to a Sudanese man who fled racist attacks in Germany .
30 Mind you in the evening , if it gets quite chilly in the evenings so it might be a good jumper to wear in the evenings when we go for our evening walks by the sea .
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