Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] be to the " in BNC.

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1 What the district around Takrit was to Saddam , Oltenia has been to the Ceauşescus .
2 When we last spoke , you told me that you were reading in bed until eleven-thirty , when you went to sleep , and your last sortie from the bedroom had been to the kitchen for milk at approximately ten-forty .
3 Veronica had been to the flat : was n't it possible she might have left something behind which Loretta could claim to have found ?
4 Angus had been to the town and he made his way back to his cottage along the shore .
5 An ancestor had been to the crusades , another had captured Harry Hotspur at the Battle of Otterburn in 1388 , and a Count Montgomerie had accidentally killed King Henry II of France in a jousting contest .
6 Congress , G M B has been to the forefront of the campaign to ensure that the laws of this country are brought into line with European legislation .
7 The man leading the hunt for the killer , Det Chief Insp Barry Hill , said forensic experts from Wetherby had been to the scene .
8 Meanwhile Home with great determination had been to the hospital in London and obtained Macmillan 's written resignation , which was read to the Conference on Thursday afternoon : ‘ I hope that it will soon be possible for the customary processes of consultation to be carried on within the party about its future leadership . ’
9 Most of the passengers on the Prospector had been to the Indian Ocean to shop and surf …
10 Ruth had been to the shops or round at the flat of some girl child never previously mentioned .
11 The experience has already been invaluable , as proved in the recent World Cup when the backbone of our team had been to the 1990 CANZ series where we lost all four matches ’ .
12 He and Elinor had been to the council offices and I had still not come home when they got back .
13 For example , people working here in acoustics and radiation physics never know which SERC committee will finally examine their applications — some of our recent applications have been to the committees for Biology , Chemistry , Chemical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering , Polymer Engineering , the joint SERC/SSRC committee or even sent off to ARC .
14 Swindon 's glory days in the FA Cup were a long time ago while Cambridge have been to the quarter finals two years running .
15 Since May 1980 , nearly 1,250 applicants have been to the board .
16 This cultural factor has been to the commercial benefit of West Germany since the ‘ economic miracle ’ of the 1950s .
17 This cultural factor has been to the commercial benefit of West Germany since the ‘ economic miracle ’ of the 1950s .
18 That price has been to the moon and back again , helped by the Hunt brothers from Texas , who tried to corner the market and found that it , in fact , cornered them .
19 Owen had been to the Coptic Cathedral before but not to a Coptic church ; so he was surprised to find that most of the congregation appeared to be on crutches .
20 Insp Ken Madison , of Darlington police , said officers had been to the scene of the crash but left when they were satisfied no one was hurt in the collision .
21 Nearly 55 per cent of people who have been in higher education had been to the theatre in the survey period , but fewer than 19 per cent of those who left school at 16 .
22 Her friend 's well-known bluntness had been to the fore a few days ago , when she 'd discovered Laura sobbing quietly in her bedroom .
23 In essence those statutory provisions had been to the same effect .
24 So while Sutton had been frantically interviewing and trying to cope with real stories , Pilger had been to the Regent Street studio of Carrol , Dempsey and Thirkell , designers of the two-month-old Independent , described by the middle classes hoping for better papers as ‘ a good deed in a naughty world ’ .
25 More sensitive than their counterparts at the beginning of the decade had been to the technical qualities of Hollywood films , the critics of the time constantly drew attention to the gap between the aspirations and the achievements of British films .
26 Philip 's been to the library , ’ said his Mum .
27 In welcoming this commitment , Mr Bell pointed out that the substantially greater freedom which U.K. insurers have enjoyed in product design and in investment policy has been to the distinct benefit if their policy-holders in the past .
28 In those days he had n't yet eaten shrimp , but Davide had been to the sea , often , and reported .
29 His father had been to the Wesleyan Collegiate Institution at Taunton until the age of sixteen , when he had left and gone into the business .
30 The submission of the father had been to the effect that the court should leave open the opportunity for him to apply for custody of the children in the divorce proceedings then pending .
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