Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 The fragments may be eaten there and then or tucked away beside the column to be collected when the hunt is over and taken back to feed the queen and those who stayed back in camp to tend and protect her .
2 And if not I 'll see if I can think of an excuse to try and contact her myself . ’
3 Vronsky accepts and loves her , but in the end she ca n't believe even he respects her and convinces herself he does n't .
4 Cos no-one 's got the nerve to go and fuck her .
5 She had been giddy in the mornings and tired at night ; her breasts felt different , she had been sleeping badly , dreaming dreams , longing all day for Tristram to come and take her in his arms and love her , when instead she had had to be content with no more than a covert glance from him when he came home from Knollys 's yard in the evenings , or a touch of his ankle under the table at supper time .
6 Kit Everard sent for a midwife from the islanders to come and help her ; two did so , and strained coffee roots in tisanes to strengthen her as she laboured .
7 Fierce Eyes came and pushed her aside .
8 Then she knew that she needed not to sneak out by the convenient back exit , but to leave through the front entrance , trusting its outrageous , ostentatious vulgarity to reassure and comfort her .
9 It was a relief not to weep and toss sleepless at night after such tragedies but her own indifference shocked and troubled her .
10 Kathleen laughed and hugged her gently .
11 No , she would enjoy this evening , she would let André entertain and amuse her , and she would not give in to useless introspection .
12 Prince Richard smiled and greeted her courteously .
13 Bailey 's Jamaican informants did when providing her with examples of JC for her book , Jamaican Creole Syntax ( 1966 ) .
14 I opened the can and poured the Coke , and Mrs Young , who happened to be sitting alone at the next table , turned round and said to Xanthe sweetly that she , Mrs Young , would pay for the Coke , and would n't Xanthe come and join her ?
15 What was more , she had an idea that he must feel the same , because he in his turn talked to her quite naturally , without the slightest attempt to entertain or amuse her .
16 Ma came and picked her up , holding her so tight she could hardly breathe .
17 I let the girl loose and pushed her towards my wife .
18 Sharpe bent and kissed her .
19 It was because of her worsening rheumatism that she 'd asked for Ruth to come and help her this summer .
20 When I met the mother she was extremely depressed verging on suicidal and was given by the workers at the clinic a new sari to try and cheer her up .
21 When the break for lunch was called the press girl came and fetched her , ‘ About ten minutes , okay ? ’
22 The bleakness of his gaze alarmed and unnerved her .
23 The sensation that ran through her body into her limbs weakened and scared her .
24 The Rolling Stone 's wife Jerry Hall rang and warned her to keep her hands off her husband .
25 White peace descended and surrounded her like a tent of cool white gauze .
26 Without a sound , Li Lu turned and caught her up .
27 She felt the waves begin to wash over her , and as each wave began , Patrick licked and sucked her , gently pushing a finger inside her simultaneously .
28 This puts a much more serious complexion on matters , for it was feet that first set Fergie 's heart racing and made her realise how deeply she was in love with Prince Andrew .
29 The old cow turned and licked her with a huge , wet tongue until her blouse was damp all over the right shoulder , but it was not comforting .
30 And she did not want Matthew to like and accept her now because he knew she was in such a sterling profession .
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