Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [verb] on " in BNC.

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1 The taxpayer argued that to rely on the substantial omissions from Mr Slade 's tax return as grounds for investigating Mr Kempton 's tax affairs was to imply guilt by association .
2 The Family Heart Association is urging more people to have their cholesterol level checked and act on doctors ' advice .
3 It will only be small at the outset for example one might get the opportunity to go in and on or might get the opportunity to go and advise on P R P or something and it 's not suddenly going to result in an invitation er to .
4 Believe me , it is far harder at such times to sit and look on than to be in the middle , ’ he told Sunday Express readers .
5 Tiny pieces of skin shrivelled and cooked on the red-hot ring and wisps of smoke rose into the air .
6 The Russians say that work on Energiya and Buran has yielded more than 20 new metals , alloys and materials which can operate in temperatures from minus 253C to 800C .
7 If we can persuade birds to come and perch on it in a row fairly close together we have obviously made it much easier to see the wire .
8 If we can now persuade more birds to come and perch on top of the first lot we can in principle build up the wire to any thickness we choose .
9 There was a brown , ripped hole in the ground and a buckled , disgust-ingly distorted chassis torn and knotted on the side of the crater .
10 Images scanned and printed on a 300dpi system using 32 levels of grey look surprisingly good ; better than you might expect at any rate .
11 Maria Luisa was transfixed with shock , her eyes glazed and locked on Steve 's face .
12 A BRILLIANT young woman lecturer was crushed to death when her horse collapsed and died on top of her .
13 1 oz ( 25g ) very lean bacon grilled and served on 1 oz ( 25g ) toast with 2 grilled tomatoes OR 8oz ( 200g ) fruit compote ( mixed canned fruit in natural juice ) topped with 3 oz ( 75g ) diet yogurt
14 The study complements and builds on the work , mainly on urban and industrial populations that has been conducted in the course of the Scottish Social Structure project developed in the Department of Sociology and the Research Centre for Social Sciences since 1980 .
15 The study assumes that spending on pensions as a proportion of GDP increases in line with countries ' old-age dependency ratios .
16 It is not an abuse to process to assert private law rights by a private action even if the action raises or turns on public law issues .
17 The curriculum guide-lines outlined in the 1988 Act offer an entitlement for all children , but the quality of these experiences will be subject to the way schools interpret and act on these four important elements .
18 And after the barbed wire was another fence that was higher and again the floodlights played and caught on the cutting edges … and after the high barbed wire was a wooden fence that was three yards high .
19 The first thing to realize ( in Kant 's opinion ) about moral action is that it is action done out of respect for duty as such , that is for a system of categorical imperatives recognised as binding on every rational agent whatever his desires and feelings happen to be .
20 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
21 The pound fell and fell on the foreign exchange markets .
22 ‘ Do you realize , Charles , that if these Labour Johnnies go and slap on this gift tax they 're talking about , crimes like young Nigel Steen 's wo n't be worth committing . ’
23 Dissatisfied with the quality of many land availability studies , the DoE commissioned Coopers and Lybrand to carry out a study to assess and report on the varying assessments and assumptions about new housing made by the planning authorities and house builders , and to assess the extent to which both the provision in plans and land which is made available for housing takes account of the requirements of the market for new private sector housing' .
24 Now the cars thumped and bucked on the ramp , the uptown stampede from the traps of the underpass .
25 The ballroom is scattered with cheap wooden chairs , tables , rolls of ancient , mouldy-smelling carpets , a couple of old motorbikes and lots of bits of motorbikes standing or lying on oil-stained sheets , and what looks and smells like an industrial-standard deep-fat frier with the associated hoods , filters , fan housing and ducting .
26 Finally , it should be pointed out that one of the grounds on which under section 432 the Secretary of State may appoint inspectors to investigate and report on the affairs of a company is that ‘ the company 's members have not been given all the information with respect to its affairs which they might reasonably expect ’ — whether or not that information is such that they have an express statutory right to be told it .
27 Suddenly there was a crash as the horse slipped and fell on the ice , bringing down its rider .
28 And when my horse slipped and fell on the ice , a little figure appeared and insisted on helping me .
29 And when my horse slipped and fell on the ice , a little figure appeared and insisted on helping me .
30 It was a strange way to end the year ; with uncertainty all round , with a major record deal signed but held on ice for a further year , and with Andy Rourke , although recovered , standing trial for possession of heroin .
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