Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 The derivation of the no-arbitrage condition relates to a forward rather than a futures contract as marking to the market is ignored .
2 Citing ‘ the absence of significant interaction ’ between the museum and the mall these two ‘ sites of consumer culture ’ Ms Greenberg condemned ‘ the Western museum 's inability to acknowledge and respond to this new presence ’ , i.e. , the mall , labelling it ‘ one more episode in a history which continues to separate art and life , the past and the present ’ .
3 The Crown accepted that the income of the settlement arose or accrued to the three trustees jointly and not jointly and severally so that none of them was entitled , in law , separately to any particular share or fraction of the income .
4 Why people spend good money to go and listen to that sort of stuff I 'll never know .
5 The bailor warrants that he has the right to transfer possession for the period of the bailment , and that the bailee will enjoy quiet possession for the period of the bailment except so far as possession is disturbed by the owner or other person entitled to the benefit of any charge or encumbrance disclosed or known to the bailee before the contract was made .
6 She never asked Melanie to come and listen to them and , on these occasions , Melanie , alone with the live dog and the painted one in the kitchen , felt that nobody in all the world cared whether she lived or died .
7 ( 2 ) If he knew that the writing or printing contained or referred to conditions , he is bound .
8 Learning that your loved one is having an affair is a body-blow to trust and poison to self-esteem .
9 Once or twice a year he 'll go even further and invite a business writer to come and talk to his people .
10 But this is reality , not the world of arts subsides and grants to which Ms Pith-Helmet aspires to belong .
11 The Middle East Economic Digest of March 1 reported that total foreign aid received or pledged to Jordan since the onset of the crisis in August stood at US$1,150 million .
12 The well-tested welfare organisation swung into gear , as the Welfare Officer once again climbed into her car to go and speak to the wife and assure her that temporary accommodation had been arranged for her and the family , and that the move from one house to another would be made as smooth as possible .
13 Experience has shown that anomalies arose and had to be addressed and that caused massive administrative complications .
14 Nevertheless , the ambiguities remain and contribute to the uncertainty with which the CMHT members go about and account for their own work .
15 On his way out of the house , the lawyer stopped and spoke to Poole .
16 Past the gap , the wind failed and dropped to nothing , the dinghy lost way and drifted towards three lighters moored abreast .
17 The handbook , however , that is recommended for potential writers , You Can Write a Romance and Get it Published , breezily enjoins its readers to ‘ Remember that these are formula books tried and proved to be successful ’ and proceeds to outline the characterizations and plotting that are expected of the successful romance .
18 Even so , I was rather surprised that a family must pay 3.50 for adults and 2.50 for kids to visit and listen to the BBC 's exhibition of favourite old radio programmes at Broadcasting House .
19 before cars cough and lurch to life ,
20 They must keep them low because wages are labour costs that have to be deducted from profit ( besides , if the workers do not like the pay there are plenty more around who will take it ! ) .
21 The English forces laid siege to Tournai , but Edward withdrew and agreed to the Truce of Espléchin on 25 September 1340 .
22 The pair were practising aerobatics for next week 's Farnborough air show when their £2 million military trainer stalled and plummeted to the ground .
23 And those who could n't afford a half-crown fine , but would rather wait until nightfall to sweep or cause to be swept their bit of pavement , must have been more than grateful that the Trustees would also kindly provide ‘ Lamp Irons or Lamp Posts to be put or affixed into , upon , or against the Walls or Pallisadoes of any of the Houses , Tenements , or Buildings within the said Town , .
24 The distance of a finger from a target was measured where the subject was either under normal conditions , wearing prisms , or had his/her eyes closed while listening to an auditory signal using a within subjects design .
25 I noticed , in the afternoon , that two members of the bench had their eyes closed and appeared to be asleep . ’
26 In fact , the healthy eating rules that apply to everyone , stand us in good stead for preventing high blood pressure and heart disease .
27 1 How might the information in the Hemingway biography vary if addressed to : a child ; the mayor of Oak Park ; Hemingway 's mother ; an inhabitant of the ‘ Indian settlements ’ in Michigan ; a Martian anthropologist ?
28 Bobby sighed and turned to the chairman but he was in earnest conversation with a ponderous constable .
29 Hari sighed and returned to her task , the shoes she was making were for Emily Grenfell .
30 Pristina is surrounded by artillery ranges that belonged to the old Yugoslav army .
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