Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 NEC Corp has already has contracted to make the PICA chip set for Acer , and plans to second-source the set to systems developers worldwide .
2 The junior adventure story has always had to reconcile two contrasting points .
3 Potter says this approach has been satisfactory , although he would not say how many times the company had used it , but Psion has never had to take a case to court .
4 Patrice pretended not to have heard .
5 Merchants trading overseas had to cover the diplomatic and even military expenses which in later centuries would be met by their governments .
6 Whitehall has also had to find office space and officials to staff the new ministries promised by both parties .
7 During this period the Board has also had to find its feet , build up its staff resources to the planned level and concern itself with the production of some weighty discussion documents .
8 Neil Murray has often had to come into bands and reproduce another player 's bass part , or even their bass sound …
9 Intelsat has already had to stretch the lives of six older satellites over the Pacific Ocean and last summer repositioned a satellite over Indonesia to increase capacity .
10 Remarkably , Mr McGovern has never had to sell equity in his firm to outside investors , though he has given away nearly 30% to motivate employees .
11 Neither man gave evidence but their counsels argued neither had believed they were breaking the law .
12 Apart from power concerns , consistency seems also to be an issue here , with designers preferring not to have to construct composite 5V and 3V boards .
13 Appeal courts are expected to show some mercy because the defendant has twice had to face the ordeal of being sentenced .
14 Add to this the thin margins on which the industry has traditionally had to rely and a very unstable and uncertain environment for individual firms emerges .
15 Gaitskell was probably the brightest and most administratively experienced Minister the industry has ever had to deal with .
16 Of 70 injectors interviewed in depth , only 25% reported never having shared syringes ; 57% reporting reusing syringes in the previous six months , using a range of cleaning agents including household bleach .
17 As Raynor ( 1969 , Chapter 2 ) argues , the ‘ middle class ’ was never homogeneous ( in particular it has never been equivalent to Marx 's ‘ bourgeoisie ’ ) , but nonetheless its degree of heterogeneity has been greatly increased over the post-war years , and the shift in the distribution of social labour analysed above has accelerated this process .
18 Precisely because the Church mistakes herself for the present form of the Kingdom , God 's rule has often had to manifest itself in the secular world outside , and frequently against , the Church ’ ( Pannenberg 1975:78 ) .
19 He reads : ’ Not that way , ’ cried his pessimistic friend grasping Toad 's arm and directing him away from the especially grim and oppressive corridor into which his laboured steps seemed automatically to have led him
20 Having her mind made up had done very little good , Jenna mused next day as they sped down the motorway that led to the Dordogne .
21 Yet they moved with more than usual purpose towards the hills ; and it was always a possibility , however remote , that some vagabond poacher or time-expired soldier living wild had hit upon Owen 's outposts without being detected , and thought it worth his while to carry a tale to Ruthyn .
22 He could only have been chosen had there been no other credible candidate , and Baldwin 's performance from the date of the Carlton Club meeting forward had destroyed this possibility .
23 The lower , parochial clergy seem often to have had wives and children ; but the ladies and children of the close , of whom Heloise herself had been one , become a thing of the past .
24 ‘ Like , maybe your parents were just fattening you up until you would make a decent meal for these dragons , or it was an intelligence test ; the kids smart enough to have sussed out the fact there were dragons around were the ones that would survive , and the ones that just lay there , trusting , each night , deserved to die , and their parents could n't tell them or the dragons would eat them , and stories about dragons were the only clues you were ever given ; that was all the adults could do to warn you …
25 The book 's first Russian readers seem not to have taken up its principal insight , that the most dangerous moment for an authoritarian government arrives when it tries to reform itself .
26 At least no trace of an attempt to do so has survived among the voluminous Cossack and British sources .
27 This study appears not to have allowed for transactions costs .
28 This morning 's result appears instead to have suffocated him .
29 On the other hand , there are cases in which the existence of an alternative remedy seems not to have given rise to a discretion to refuse a remedy but to have operated as an absolute bar to the award of a judicial remedy .
30 Away from Stroudwater the industry seems rather to have remained in the hands of independent craftsmen : in eight places where cloth was made , the structure of wealth resembled what was commonly found in parts where it had not taken root , with perhaps three of the four £100 men belonging to the gentry .
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