Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] give [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Parliament has expressly given him power to intervene when the local authority is acting unreasonably .
2 The values tabulated here give us a measure of comparison for Kaimann 's experimental results .
3 The case has already given you Fred 's answer , and what you are told about Fred suggests ( deliberately ) that he is a pretty tough , hard-bitten sort of character .
4 We were like nervous children , unsure that they 'll be allowed to keep the lovely toy a relative stranger has just given them .
5 Richard has also given me many opportunities and without him and Peter my life as a freelance jockey would be made just that little bit more difficult . ’
6 ‘ The DoT has not given us definite promises and has discouraged us from expecting too much .
7 Not , not a lot at the moment , I do n't think , erm , the end of July erm there was eight hundred and something , but there 's been quite a few bills that have come out of it although that does n't include the two receipts that Maisie has just given me which is about a hundred and eighty , so that 's nearly another two hundred in , but we 're alright , we 're .
8 No unpleasantness seems to have been caused , but in one instance the opposition went home giving their names for the records .
9 Mum it 's pussy cat , pussy cat have some pie for , where mummy do n't give them some pie and pussy cat , pussy cat up in London , there 's two about pussy cats
10 yeah , he said it 's the best move I ev he said I do n't , the lads do n't give me any trouble he says I 'm fair with them and they 're fair with me
11 Such methods do not give their cause sufficient weight , but a consultative committee would ensure that disabled people have a strong voice in these matters .
12 Then your client 's transaction will take priority over any other event ( such as the bankruptcy of the seller ) or transaction ( such as a mortgage of the property ) of which the official certificate of search did not give you notice .
13 Anyway , Jeff had now given me something new — something really important to me .
14 After all , becoming a provisional member of Equity does n't give them work , it merely gives them the opportunity to work in the career for which they have trained .
15 It is time that players realised that if their club had not given them their chance they would not be internationals .
16 Your card does not give you the right to overdraw your account .
17 It was clear that Holmes ' cleverness with the telegram had not given us the proof we needed .
18 If Roberts had not given himself up , the offence would have remained undetected .
19 I was neither Jew nor English nor white , or even a proper Indian or a proper Pakistani ; but my travels through Europe and stay in the USA and my near acceptance there as a living entity capable of suffering pain and enjoying pleasure had temporarily given me a sort of quasi-human status , further aggravated by those willing to be my sexual partners ; I had become spoilt and pampered .
20 Richard had never given me one .
21 Iron Josh had certainly given them no trouble when they had driven into his yard at the back of Old George 's Street and ordered him to climb into the cart .
22 I did n't much like it , mice and such like have always given me the creeps , but I did feel sorry for it being shut up .
23 But the publicly alleged reasons were as follows … ’ and Thucydides goes on to give them : quarrels between Athens and Corinth over Corcyra and Potidaia .
24 The sport has also given me many friends .
25 It 's best run full screen , as well , since running it in a window seems only to give you a partial view of the full-screen image , and no scroll bars appear to allow you to see what 's happening in the bits that are n't shown .
26 Young girls will steal make-up if their parents do n't give them the money for it … ‘
27 In spite of these provisions , not infrequently Courts conveyed the view that the Act did not give them power to make orders with a condition of access .
28 Veiled women carrying home shopping did n't give me a second glance .
29 But the battalion did n't give him that many evenings off during the week , and if she did n't see him when he was free it often turned out to be several days before they could spend another evening together .
30 So Vecchi hi-tails it out to the sanatorium , hangs around until the great man and Rico leave then gives it a few more minutes before walking in and giving Connie another grilling .
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