Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 When , at the end of July and the beginning of August 1943 , four RAF raids practically wiped out the centre of Hamburg — Germany 's second city — in fire-storms , killing some 40,000 people , rumours spread that unrest had had to be put down by the police and SA or Wehrmacht , and that there was a ‘ November mood ’ — an allusion to the revolutionary mood of November 1918 — in the Reich which would rise up against the unbearable air raids .
2 The technique has indeed opened up a whole new area of meiotic investigation in the male .
3 The Duchess has even taken up sketching to feel more at one with the subject of her new book ( Victoria apparently relied on her own sketches rather than paparazzi snaps or pictures in Hello ! as mementoes of overseas trips ) and admits that she , like the late Queen , is a ‘ tireless traveller ’ .
4 With its range of awards including the new Assessors Award , the Wordpower and Numberpower certificates in communication and numeracy skills and the Vocational Access Certificate , LCCIEB has certainly taken up the challenge to provide wider access to qualifications .
5 Avnet Inc 's proposed acquisition of Hall-Mark Electronics Corp has not gone down to well with Standard & Poor 's Corp , which said it may cut the distributors $100m of A-plus-rated subordinated debt .
6 IBM Corp has now fallen back on the reliable method of pre-announcement for its OS/2 promotion campaign .
7 IBM Corp has now wrapped up the deal under which it hands over MAPICS to Marcam Corp in return for 1.615m new shares in its partner .
8 Such lobbying has always gone on , but now with closer media scrutiny , things are more in the open .
9 As a student of these matters , surely the hon. Gentleman recognises that in , for example , the past five years , the peak age for offending for a young male has not gone down but gone up .
10 His hair has since grown back .
11 I 've no teeth now , and my hair has all fallen out , but I can still think — and remember .
12 But although this burst of new direction has logically exploded out of Paris , the world 's fashion capital , the energy and creativity emerging from countries with traditionally low fashion profiles is what is truly intriguing and inspiring .
13 Certainly Ferguson has not given up the ghost of trying to land the Championship .
14 Politicised Islam has inevitably thrown up a new type of politician .
15 Walter de Maria has always rummaged about in the realm of the mystical and this month at Gagosian ( downtown ) until 9 May he shows his ‘ 5–7–9 ’ series , betraying a continued interest in numbers and , according to the gallery , psychic phenomenona .
16 The Galway International winner has n't given up hope of bidding yet again for one of the few big Irish rallies to elude him but describes his chances of being on the start line on Good Friday as ‘ remote ’ .
17 Although Vinny Samways has now come off the transfer list , Spurs look light in the key area .
18 Because as soon as the national agreement come into being our our of the meetings dropped down dropped down dropped down until there were very few attending .
19 Even though the Ministry of Defence has already drawn up plans to pull Britain 's 2,400 troops out of the danger zone swiftly , they could find themselves caught in the crossfire very quickly .
20 Agriculture Minister John Gummer has now taken over the negotiating role .
21 And Clough has also cracked down on a similar plea from right back Brian Laws .
22 Mr Lawson has frequently ruled out supporting the pound by means other than interest rates .
23 Up to now this demarcation of activities has only come about by delegation , no control system could enforce these roles .
24 Parliament has even laid down some rules for controlling the meetings of local authorities .
25 However , so long as we remain in the Community , Parliament has effectively handed over a number of functions that it has traditionally fulfilled .
26 YOUR computer has just broken down .
27 One of New York 's most controversial ( and successful ) artists has now teamed up with Italy 's most controversial MP , Cicciolina .
28 Gary has n't got round to watching it
29 Amazing as it must seem to non-Americans , skirmishing for the Republican presidential nomination for the 1996 election has already broken out .
30 McKeown has not given up on the north 's hope for next year 's Classic , who was found to have a temperature after finishing last in the Somerville Tattersall Stakes .
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