Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [adv] [prep] another " in BNC.

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1 The contract came to grief and the projects passed briefly through another restoration house , then into the Tallichet storage facility in Chino , California .
2 At the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village eight cops moved in for another raid on a gay bar .
3 A flight of three steps led up into another gallery , this one depicting great artists .
4 One crushed car looks much like another and we were n't going to waste a completely new one . ’
5 Mahoney wandered off to another part of the room , leaving Donna to study the canvas more closely .
6 The same logic will work in any situation where one set of real parameters depends smoothly on another set .
7 In particular the government forces encountered problems in maintaining control of a town once rebel forces had been defeated ; when armed units moved on to another troubled area , rebels could regain control .
8 Carlton Palmer drove forward to bring a two-fisted save from Benedettini and the goal-keeper followed up with another save from a Ferdinand header .
9 ‘ Jerry here will snore his afternoon beer-snore , so I am jus ’ gon na have to put a pillow over my head and pray to God the roof stays on for another winter . ’
10 He flourished it as one of the dragons curved in for another low pass .
11 So while his real eyes glanced round at another vault of blank green rock , his A eyes saw the first of the ghosts sliding out of the stone to say hi .
12 He should be working , she thought , her mind taking off down another route .
13 He knows its hard on him , but the boat went better with another boy .
14 The child 's voice rose in righteous indignation as Molly bit desperately into another toast soldier .
15 His mind clicked back into another , less agitated gear .
16 PFK 's big fish fanatic ANDY PARKES come up with another tempting tank buster .
17 The fighting dragged on for another year , during which time the Nationalist armies occupied Catalonia and the ever-precarious unity of the Republican political forces collapsed .
18 PM faces up to another shambles
19 Langford pulled a goal back on sixty eight minutes , but Thame held out for another victory and they still top the South Midland League .
20 Kate Armstrong came in with another tray of coffee .
21 So the basic fusion mechanisms of deuterium fusing either with another deuterium or with a proton give helium-3 .
22 The third came soon after when flanker Chris Clapcott crashed over for another converted try .
23 And it 's that moment which , when we trace the expansion backwards , will have occurred between about fifteen and eighteen billion years ago , but we ca n't say what , if anything , may have happened before that , whether the universe bounced out into another state of expansion , so we have a sort of a cut off in our ability to retrodict , or extrapolate backwards into the past .
24 Spirits dashed , Fonda and Hopper came up with another idea for a picture called The Queen , starring themselves and Jack Nicholson as Robert McNamara , Dean Rusk and Lyndon Johnson apparently plotting the assassination of John F. Kennedy .
25 In the 1820s the Swan turned up in another museum , run by a perfumier , Thomas Weeks of London .
26 Sailors who had had the ship shot out from under them because of Mountbatten 's recklessness signed up for another tour , such were the inspirational qualities he possessed .
27 Examine a scene from the play where one boy creeps up on another and then springs on him stabbing him in the back with his knife .
28 They 're using the leapfrog technique , one vehicle taking over from another at regular intervals .
29 ‘ Not till — ’ But their argument was violently interrupted as a cheer of derision went up from another corner of the playground and Jack caught a glimpse of Derek 's looming bulk in the middle of a crowd of children .
30 WATERLOO BOY sets out on another chasing campaign tomorrow at Exeter with expectations high of a season full of more success .
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