Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [be] [adj] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 " His hair has been better since he 's been with Sarah Brightman , " confides one long-term associate , " and perhaps he developed more ofa sense of humour .
2 Organiser Michelle le Neveau , foreground , said : ‘ Things are going really well and the response has been better than we anticipated . ’
3 Michelle le Neveau , Darlington collection organiser , said : ‘ Things are going really well and the response has been better than we anticipated . ’
4 Personally , I would mind , as Gary has been crap since he came back from injury .
5 ‘ Interest on borrowed money has been greater than profitability which required further funding by the banks .
6 But Germany has been peaceful because the East Prussians were under our control .
7 Though some big firms have boldly marched eastward , investment in the former East Germany has been slower than expected .
8 In a sense , Marxists stopped being Marxist when they turned to primitive society .
9 Speed has been essential because the Secretary of State 's timetable is formidable ( see below ) .
10 In practice , the MMC has sometimes reported against foreign takeovers as contrary to the public interest , but the reasoning has been other than a desire to stifle competition ( e.g. the report on Government of Kuwait/British Petroleum , 1988 , which decided that it was contrary to the public interest for the Government of Kuwait to gain a major shareholding in BP ) .
11 Here the defendant has been reckless as to consent and should again be guilty of the offence .
12 ‘ To be honest , we have not been any busier this year but the accident toll has been higher than in previous times . ’
13 It is probably fair to say that communication has sometimes been more effective at very local level where local sharing of concerns over mutual clients has been possible where inter-agency relationships are good .
14 The phenomenon of the hollow frontier has been common where settlers cultivate land , which is virtually free to anyone with the capital and/or labour to exploit it , and move on when serious erosion sets in , leaving behind eroded soils .
15 During this drought the amplitude of this effect has been bigger than at any time since reliable pressure records for the region were first taken 50 years ago .
16 Neil has been tremendous since he came back here and anyone at Saturday 's game will have seen many incidents where Neil in fact stopped trouble developing .
17 But it is likely that loss of liberty was more often held against the workhouse than the belief that the subsistence provided was lower than that available from out-relief .
18 ‘ No disrespect to John Beck , but the club has been happier since he left . ’
19 Alfiera says is irrelevant because Eddie 's gon na go out and and take action himself anyway .
20 work in which the width used is greater than the height .
21 Would n't Mummy have been horrified if she 'd known ? ’
22 And Rover 's refined and carefully designed interior — with sunroof , central locking and four-speaker stereo , all fitted as standard — ensure that the Metro GTi 's big car feel is more than just skin deep .
23 His crooked smile was very much in evidence and Matey could have told her that since her arrival Dr Neil had been happier than she had seen him for a long time — there had been fewer backslidings towards the ‘ nasty whisky ’ since McAllister had appeared in his life to provide him with such rich amusement .
24 Marie had been pleased when Madge had said this : it backed up her own opinion of Simon , that he was a genuine person and kind .
25 David had been right when he 'd said that Rachel knew the whereabouts of Brooklands , for she had been there with her parents and her sister shortly after David and Jennifer 's engagement had been announced .
26 Jerrome 's ( 1981 ) work on older women 's friendships indicates that women 's relationships with their sisters seem to be intensified in later life , even for people whose relationships had been poor when they were younger .
27 If the crime had been other than murder he would have left it to his Scientific Officer assistant , not yet returned from a belated lunch .
28 Edward had been startled when first he read this .
29 The actress had been venomous when she 'd chanced upon them in the corridor , but she 'd displayed the spitefulness of a disappointed woman , not a wronged one .
30 He says : ‘ The fans have been frustrated because we have n't scored but all we can do is to try and put it right .
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