Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [vb base] it " in BNC.

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1 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
2 ‘ But he who is in quest of picturesque scenery of the Lake ( Derwent ) must travel along the rough side screens that adorn it and catch its beauties as they arise in smaller portions , its little bays , and winding shores … its deep recesses , and hanging promontories , its garnished rocks and distant mountains . ’
3 Schellenberg shivered and put it back in the envelope .
4 they 've signalled to the referee now Rozario'ssozario 's ew try and run it off or
5 I know they put flowers all twisting up it and over it and round about it and now 's the weather to get the job done and get it finished , look at the weeds growing up through the garden
6 Their concern is to understand the mechanisms that keep capitalism going and make it resistant to challenges — so that they might strengthen those challenges .
7 All you have to do is answer three simple questions on the coupon provided and send it to : Ian Rush Competition , Liverpool Echo , Old Hall Street , Liverpool L69 3EB .
8 and it will take some of those runners … a few days … a few weeks to recover but believe it or not they 're already talking about and planning next year 's race
9 Winnie grimaced and bore it .
10 Even if only one person uses that document it should be in the precedent bank .
11 George climbed over the gate while Willie opened and shut it neatly behind him .
12 Alternatively , you could decorate the order of service , if one was printed , or even write out the words of one of the hymns used and frame it with a selection of the pressed flowers .
13 In the absence of symmetry selection rules that require it to be zero , the value of the derivative is not restricted .
14 As early as February 1920 Trotsky had put before the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party a plan to end grain requisitioning and replace it with a fixed tax in kind ; also to allow the peasants to sell their surpluses on the ( to be revived ) market .
15 Aaron where 's the prince , get into this pencil go and get it
16 They reclaim the access to VASTNESS those musics offer but redirect it towards primitive and puerile ends .
17 At this point it is best to remove the glass or perspex sheet with the eggs attached and transfer it to another tank containing 5–7.5 cms of water from the breeding tank .
18 Jim shuddered and put it back in the bag .
19 Professionals involved with child protection define and explain it in different and sometimes conflicting ways , and adopt quite different stances about the way it should be undertaken ( Stainton Rogers and Stainton Rogers , 1989 ) .
20 When Paula used that tone it usually meant trouble .
21 Er , a very negative form of er , of behaviour , can be , you can actually get highly directive , and start telling people , erm , we 've already identified that influences , not having that ability to tell , it 's something that people try and do it , it 's a , it 's a facade , that people put up and get behind them .
22 If Sara did but know it , he had been very much against the provisions of the will .
23 Oh I I do n't usually recommend it some people do and find it easier that way I I would rather they just stuck with the the formula for differentiating a product and
24 Some councils refused under any circumstances whatever to purchase private services and would rather deny a disadvantaged person access to care than buy it privately .
25 People come and visit it and
26 If you are interested in enrolling in Business Direct , or wish any of your staff to enrol , please complete the attached application form and post it to the address shown or take it to your local Midland branch .
27 She did n't go out drinking or dancing ; she did n't do as one mother she 'd known ( in a story of maternal neglect that I remember feeling was over the top at the time ) and tie a piece of string round my big toe , dangle it through the window and down the front of the house , so that the drunken mother , returning from her carousing , could tug at it , wake the child , get the front door opened and send it down the shop for a basin of pie and peas .
28 However , this will be done with a very broad sweep to permit the focus in later chapters to concentrate on what is the essential and most interesting feature of routine policing in Northern Ireland : namely , how societal divisions affect and constrain it .
29 Similarly , if you are a ‘ science-writer ’ it is good to convey as much as possible of the jargon of a discipline , because the jargon is a large part of the living language of the discipline , and therefore of the thought processes that direct it .
30 Unfortunately when other divisions come and use it they seem to think they can pick up the caravan and there 'll be a wonderful display in there
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