Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Although it is a great advantage to be just inside your weight category , some contestants forget that even a glass of water can tip them over .
2 This is probably one of the most difficult factors for the young diabetic to accept and undoubtedly a great advantage of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion is that it permits the patient greater flexibility in relation to the timing of meals with manual boluses of insulin 30 minutes beforehand .
3 We often visit schools that are involved in testing teaching units to discover that overnight a new program has been written by a teacher to use in his afternoon lesson .
4 I agree with the judge that " What is required for this purpose is not an intention to own or even an intention to acquire ownership but an intention to possess , " that is to say , an intention for the time being to possess the land to the exclusion of all other persons , including the owner with the paper title .
5 Research shows that over a third of people in pain get relief from inert tablets that they believe to be painkillers .
6 Beluga whales emit distress calls when even a conventional icebreaker is 80 k ( 50 miles ) away , and flee when such vessels approach within 40 k ( 25 miles ) .
7 Mortality data indicate that only a minority of such deaths occur in ‘ the executive male ’ .
8 Most Right-to-Lifers believe that only a threat to the life of the mother is sufficient justification and that most women seek abortions for essentially ‘ trivial ’ reasons .
9 Drinks in the social club followed and then a guided tour of Royston CSD was given .
10 Kelsen further holds , in one of his most mysterious doctrines , that the primacy of the principle of delegation means that even a determination outside the frame is valid and binding unless and until set aside by a higher decision .
11 Pressnell suggests that only a brilliant speech by Keynes prevented its rejection in the Lords.The loan was damaging to British pride , while among its terms the insistence on sterling convertibility within a year of payment of the first instalment was particularly ominous .
12 APSYCHOLOGIST whose research suggests that almost a fifth of pupils are being bullied has called for government action to tackle the problem .
13 Stirling accelerated and immediately a loud screaming noise came from the front of the vehicle .
14 The Editor agreed and so a day or two later my edited statement was published in Burmese on the front page of the New Light of Burma in a translation which U Khin Maung , my talented and faithful Information Officer , approved .
15 Data gathered from 300,000 women in 44 developing countries shows that about a third of married women in the developing world are now using modern family planning methods .
16 It began to break down by the 1790s when the pressure of a growing population and insufficient work meant that over a fifth of the labour force was virtually permanently unemployed .
17 As for education , Dr Spufford showed that about a fifth of Cambridgeshire 's villages and minor market towns had a schoolmaster licensed continuously between 1570 and 1620 .
18 They had to retrace their steps to pick it up again , while a second team discovered that neither a policeman nor the Council knew where the Local Authority parcels office was .
19 At the other end of the scale , none of the small libraries indicated that over a quarter of any individual 's time was devoted to training , although there was an overlap between small and medium sized libraries in other categories .
20 Both wet and dry deposition are implicitly included under the term ‘ acid rain' and so a better term would be ‘ acid deposition ’ .
21 It did not come to much : but it was perhaps essential before Britain obtained major allies to believe that somehow a revolutionary movement could be incited to grow in occupied Europe .
22 In one small group Mrs M finds that alcohol helps her forget the noises and is in real danger of ‘ taking to the bottle ’ , whereas Mrs N finds that even a thimbleful of alcohol increases the head noises dramatically .
23 A few large splashes fell and then a lot .
24 Some economists calculate that only a small part ( perhaps a quarter ) of the appreciation of the exchange rate is attributable to oil but that the government deliberately pushed up the exchange rate ( which appreciated 40 per cent between 1979 and 1980 ) by raising domestic interest rates and thereby weakening industrial competitiveness .
25 We should , of course , be going into today 's game with Leech Town knowing that only a victory will keep us in the League .
26 The Republic now travel to Turkey for their final match knowing that even a win may not suffice .
27 This unpalatable but , alas , essentially valid simile means that once an especially vile rumour has been launched there is all too little the wretched victim can do about it .
28 The view of the Pleiades is much more breathtaking with my 7 × 50 binoculars than with the lowest power I can use on my large reflector , because the small field of view with the telescope means that only a small part of the cluster can be seen at any one time .
29 The first clinical signs are dullness , reluctance to eat and usually a temperature rise to 103F–105F together with a runny nose which starts watery but soon becomes a very thick yellowy discharge down both nostrils .
30 The point remains that twice a day for twenty minutes in your own time and in the location of your choice you can refresh the parts that Dr Ruth can only fantasize about .
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