Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] could do " in BNC.

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1 But the brothers believed they could do no wrong .
2 Ewan felt he could do nothing about this situation , and there was no use worrying about it .
3 Eva said he could do what he liked ; she would support them both — on love , presumably .
4 Sheer determination to prove she could do the job her father had n't believed her capable of kept her plugging away at it .
5 — The question of job swaps was not clear in Tim 's paper — for example for Area Secretaries it meant that they wanted to job swap they could do so by moving region
6 ‘ People can dip in and out , looking at objects which represent the best that artists of a certain period believed they could do woven in with some everyday things .
7 Strathclyde told it could do better with green policies
8 This is the operation that plant workers decided they could do without on the morning of the accident .
9 The general thought he could do better , and for a time considered launching his own party .
10 Right Said Fred learned they could do something , and they learned to be proud of it .
11 Carrie wished she could do that .
12 Your determination to ‘ get it right ’ will impress far more than a false sense of confidence or a reluctance to admit you could do with assistance .
13 Anna found she could do it quite well , but Corrie had no aptitude at all , though when it came to learning Foundling hymns she excelled .
14 But bodyboarders knew they could do things with waves boardwalkers could only dream of .
15 I could do Y equals X squared I could do Y equals U squared .
16 Once a retreat had been forced from one dump site , people believed they could do it again , and did .
17 Foakes v. Beer says he could do that .
18 You know communications is a very big area there 's a lot to be talked about erm certainly rapport and leading and things like that you asked for that we could 've done a lot more with , the type of language people use we could do a lot more with but when we 've got a limited time we 're gon na have to take a limited snapshot and I hope that what we 've done so far today you found useful and I hope when we put it into practice tomorrow maybe you can understand a little bit more of some of things that we 've been talking about today .
19 which Don said we could do
20 God knows we could do with something to — Look , you absolutely sure you do n't mind me talking about your sister this way ? ’
21 God knows you could do with it ! ’
22 While banks welcome the change , some critics fear it could do them more harm than good .
23 Er that was n't er on competition though , th that was er an Intercity job which Birmingham said they could do it for that figure .
24 Despite this little flurry of world premières , Lin wishes he could do more .
25 And today the Executive admitted it could do better when it came to grounds maintenance in that area of the city .
26 See , where we live up London , there ai n't no grass or garden places you could do this . ’
27 If a government went back on this assurance there would be no IAEA safeguards which could do anything about the position .
28 Caledor decided that there was only one thing left he could do .
29 Chris says I could do it with my eyes shut , but he 's biased . ’
30 Apart from helping to reduce patient waiting lists it could do away with the need for exploratory operations in certain cases , particularly spinal and knee complaints .
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