Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] go [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mum made me go into town with her to spend my Christmas money on clothes .
2 The last time I saw her was when Benedict Joseph shoved her into his car outside the Villa Fiesole , and Philippe made me go with him to Nice . ’
3 Mr Taylor claimed Murray asked him to go to Carlisle to get him some ‘ gear ’ and after some pestering , he agreed .
4 The Prince wants me to go to a bloody ball . ’
5 Last night I was in a furious rage because Edward asked me to go to his home this afternoon , and he would show me some flowers and nests he thought I would like to see .
6 When crises arose she went into a condition of sustained fizz ; you almost expected bubbles to come popping out of her head .
7 Slaughter 's description of this as ‘ whimsical ’ is about as far as her detached sense of scholarship allows her to go in appraising some of these eccentricities .
8 The organisation is pointing in a direction and the momentum keeps it going in that direction .
9 And then Sue tell her to go to the giro place .
10 ‘ All that stuff about community meant you could leave the kids with your mum if you had something to do , and you would n't grass on Charlie if the police came looking for him , and you could borrow ten bob to keep you going to the end of the week .
11 Lucy watched them going down the lane .
12 Funded initially by the Probation Board and the Belfast Action Team , the cash-starved scheme now requires a further £140,000 injection to keep it going for a full year .
13 Billy Meredith and Herbert Burgess , the ‘ Mighty Atom ’ as the fans called him went to Manchester United along with Jimmy Bannister , Meredith 's partner in City 's attack .
14 The poolside bar provides you with vital liquid refreshment and snacks to keep you going through the day and there 's a supermarket close by .
15 Those U.S. immigration officials who inquire suspiciously if you have a permanent address to go to and sufficient funds to keep you going for 90 days would be providing a more humanitaran service were they to refuse admission to anyone unable to produce documentary proof of passing a course in how to order a American-style breakfast .
16 As Inge plunged down the stairs and headed for the kitchen at the back of the house , Shiona watched her go with an almost envious smile .
17 The apparent cause was his father 's attempt to force him to go to church .
18 Which schools did you go to ?
19 Somehow I managed to have the presence of mind to photograph her going into the house .
20 Which college did you go to ?
21 For a moment there he badly wanted Johnny to ask him to go to Disneyland .
22 Well I said Angie said she went up Wicks ' and got her worktops and it cost her fifteen pound .
23 Pat said they went to late-night movies , and then on to parties .
24 Malpass suggested we go for a drink .
25 It seems we got a irregularity here — Mr Stein knows he goin' to be workin' here long-term but he apply for short-term only . ’
26 Wycliffe let it go at that .
27 Ebert made us go to the dressing-rooms after the fight .
28 Fifty year old Alexander Blackwood from Edinburgh was the company secretary at Omni International Management Limited which went into liquidation earlier this month .
29 Skipper , Derek Hall got them going with his first ever goal for the club , so no wonder he went on a victory run .
30 Once , when a messenger brought bad news to Cuchulain , the hero let him go in peace .
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