Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] not [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 She might have laughed out loud at the absurdity of her error had it not disturbed her so .
2 The sanction imposed is real and effective since it satisfied all three conditions required by Community law ; it is adequate in relation to the damage sustained by the claimant , since the claimant is put in the position in which she would have been had the discriminatory refusal to hire her not occurred , both as concerns the post of employment and the income therefrom ; it has a real deterrent effect on the defendant bank who will not only have to pay the amount of about seven years ' monthly salary , plus interest , but will furthermore find itself with an additional employee ( the claimant and the man hired in her stead ) ; it is the same sanction as the one imposed for any other illegal refusal to hire .
3 We say , for example , ‘ Looking at the Müller-Lyer figure , I would have said that AB was shorter than BC had I not known it to be an illusion ’ .
4 More important , the Theatre Royal ( 1836–7 ) and the Grey column ( 1837–8 ) in Newcastle , stately neo-classical structures which were key elements in the heroic replanning of the city centre by Richard Grainger [ q.v. ] , were evidently also his conceptions , and suggest that he might have become a more significant figure in his own right had he not died relatively young , surviving his father by a mere six years .
5 He would not have created around him such a large and adoring circle had he not had very real capacities as a teacher , a gift for friendship and for infecting others with his passion for art , literature , films and music as well as a readiness to share in the post-war desire for a better world .
6 For how many years have I not defined , or at least decorated , myself by means of the fronded fragrances of the tobacco leaf ?
7 Felicity Sieghart declared herself not dedicated to a career and therefore well qualified to address us .
8 The Colonel was used to acting in loco parentis and would certainly not have responded as warmly as he had done to Miss Danziger 's maturity had he not discerned in it a vulnerability : something he could defend .
9 But ask yourself if you would have tested you water had it not gone green ?
10 Brittain believes that Top Class would have caused Nashwan and Cacoethes a lot more problems had he not gone to the front so early .
11 ‘ But , however it came across , I do n't think I was feeling very hostile — how could I be when , since I knew which hotel you were in , I would probably have been in contact had you not arrived at my home . ’
12 Remarking that he would not have forgiven Boswell had he not brought Johnson to Monboddo , he showed the travellers a stalk of corn , his laetas segetes , his abundant crop , and remarked that Virgil , to judge from his writings , seemed an equally practical and enthusiastic farmer .
13 McRae , five seconds behind twice former world champion Biasion 's Ford and 25 seconds adrift of Sainz , could have been much closer to the Spanish ace had he not collided with a bale of straw during the second of two Clumber Park stages .
14 UNLU would not have given such a warning had it not feared how the PLO outside might behave .
15 How often in the past have I not given due credence to relatives ' statements of how bad the client was ?
16 It is , however , important to consider what the organisations might have dome had they not resorted to this form of flexibility .
17 However , as I have said , by the time the case was before us W. 's condition had changed so drastically that , whatever may have been the previous position , the court would have been in dereliction of its duty had it not overridden W. 's wishes and effectively confirmed the order made by Thorpe J. that W. should be treated at the specialist London unit .
18 Nevertheless the episode had shown the Government that it had no authority to ban newspapers published in Tanzania which were properly registered and also that it might have been in difficulty had it not discovered a technical irregularity in the case of Ulimwengu .
19 And anyhow , Cara would probably not have lasted more than two minutes in her job in the journalistic field had she not grown a few hard edges .
20 Important as was the consciousness of self-government , the fueros would not have been defended with such obstinacy had they not conferred substantial economic advantages , designed originally to favour poor frontier provinces .
21 I was in no doubt that my lover had talent , but I had no doubt , too , that he would have remained either in relative obscurity or at the mercy of the likes of M. Chaillot and others had he not come across me .
22 The sounds of shouting and gunshots might have alarmed Ianthe had she not realised that they were coming from the television programme in the basement .
23 At various times proposals have been made to give local authorities general enabling powers akin to those of continental authorities — power to do anything not forbidden them .
24 Naturally , Greenidge tried to emulate Richards which , when things went well , was fine , but when they did not it meant that , for a while , he gained a reputation for not being over-reliable ; perhaps he suffered from trying to hit the ball too hard , for there were plenty of people who felt that he would have been a better player had he not tried to ‘ bury the ball into the wall of some distant building ’ ( his own words ) at every opportunity .
25 ‘ … one was a female pauper of very advanced age who had laboured for many years under a complication of incurable disorders , and her situation was so desperate as to have precluded her from being received into the House had it not happened that she was the first patient presented .
26 Another ‘ Carry On ’ film — Carry on Regardless , which seemed to offer nothing new and might have died a death at the box office had it not had those magic first two words in the title which by now assured a box office hit .
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