Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 It would not be appropriate in a book of this kind to go into details over the clinical manifestations and classifications of mental disorder , although the booklist at the end of the chapter contains some introductory reading on the subject .
2 This measure refers to growth over an interval , while G is an instantaneous measure .
3 Temple disagreed with Lugard over almost everything , but above all over the degree of authority to be exercised from the centre .
4 Jezrael shouted in desperation over Ember 's continued catalogue of horror .
5 Behind them , at the door , Lady Isabella peered on tip-toe over their shoulders , as if watching some masque or mummer 's play .
6 THE Government yesterday took the unprecedented step of releasing more confidential correspondence between Lord Young and British Aerospace , revealing new details of secret tax breaks and private concessions given by ministers over the Rover deal .
7 Both crises arose from discontent over the financing of the war , but it is perhaps a measure of the king 's failing powers that whereas in 1340–1 the lead in attacking his ministers had been taken by the king himself , the initiative now rested with a group of lay nobles , chief amongst whom , if some of the chroniclers are to be believed , was the young Earl of Pembroke .
8 We have already discussed the leverage deriving from control over expertise .
9 Because of treaty concessions imposed on Egypt over the centuries , the nationals of certain foreign powers had legal privileges .
10 Employers also try to discourage the mobility of their highly skilled labour because they wish to retrieve the investment made in training over the long term , and they certainly would not want competing firms to poach labour that they have trained .
11 The words seemed to trip over each other in her enthusiasm .
12 The policy review sparked by controversy over British Coal 's original pit closure plans will be greeted with relief by offshore oil and gas companies that feared thousands of jobs , many of them in Scotland , could be hit by any restrictions placed on using gas in power stations .
13 Instead , place cotton wool soaked in remover over each nail , hold for a few seconds then life off .
14 He states however that the fuel was computed at that point and it was determined that there should have been 1,300 lbs remaining on arrival over Goose Bay , giving a reserve of twenty-five to twenty-seven minutes holding at 20,000 feet altitude .
15 Dahl concentrates upon issues over which there is an observable disagreement and yet it may well be that certain issues are kept off the agenda altogether .
16 Walks extend for miles over the hill-tops ; the great beauty of which is their wild simplicity : they are perfectly smooth , without rocks .
17 Alexander 's mind shifted from conflict over his intentions to certainty that The Yellow Chair was what he was writing .
18 With our Association growing in numbers over the years , to what seems to be a plateau of about 1200 members , the collective voice has been heard , especially since some of those members are Community , District and Borough Councils ; as well as various clubs and businesses .
19 To illustrate the problem , and explain why he saw the whole business in gladiatorial terms as a contest resulting in victory over a subdued female Nature , one that became the opposite of what it seemed , docile and yielding instead of cold and repelling , he invoked the example of Shakespeare .
20 His early and unexpected death was a cruel setback which left the College floundering in indecision over the choice of a suitable successor .
21 Israel had been in political crisis since March 15 , when the previous ruling coalition between Labour and Likud collapsed in disagreement over how to proceed with the Middle East Peace process [ see pp. 37303-04 ] .
22 There were times during the other quarter-final when a repeat win for Wright over Devoy seemed possible .
23 Reverting to my analogy of the fire brigade , either my brigade went on strike over all those pork pies and rich , creamy cakes I used to eat , or they had the wrong directions .
24 The extended family of the Schlesingers kept in touch over the years .
25 S.J. Snooke of South Africa , who led his side to defeat against England over his 29th birthday , Feb. 1 , 1910 , was the first overseas player to be able to offer birthday cake at the tea interval , but the first captain to five himself a victory as a birthday present was the Australian H.L. Collins , whose 36th birthday fell on the fifth day of the seven-day third Test against England in January 1925 , which Australia eventually won by 11 runs .
26 Rachel walked across the polished floor of the hall , eyes flickering with surprise over the stone walls , the Oriental statue eerily lit , guarding the doorway to the living-room .
27 An account to substantiate his claims showed that there had indeed been a great output with £8,000 paid in Royalty over the last 17 years of operation .
28 The trickle of prominent dissidents released from jail over recent weeks shows that .
29 The charges related to extra inducements made to players over and above their club wages , an area of football so steeped in secrecy and subterfuge , that the problem is unlikely to go away .
30 All at once , though she was fighting it , she was overwhelmingly conscious of how dark and wild-looking and exciting he was , with his black hair spilling in curls over his ears and forehead , the short-sleeved T-shirt exposing the mahogany of his arms and the slim white trousers moulding the muscular lines of his legs .
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