Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [prep] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The ground of the park rippled as if disturbed by colossal , underground moles .
2 In my judgment , Parliament intended to and did provide a simple and expeditious method of dealing with a person arrested without warrant by a constable who had reasonable grounds for believing that that person had broken a condition of his bail , or was likely to break a condition of his bail , or was likely to fail to surrender to custody .
3 However , in practice it appears that the court has a discretion to allow the case to continue as if begun under Ord. 53 provided this will not unfairly deprive the respondent of some protection which would have been enjoyed if the case had been begun under Ord. 53 .
4 When they go to a match they are as a matter of course spat upon and jostled , threatened and assaulted ’ — The Times .
5 The question may arise as to whether the decision to consent to or reject treatment is made by a patient who has the capacity to make the decision , in other words whether he is fit to make it , or whether he has genuinely made the decision .
6 A participatory style is adopted and this , together with the international recruitment , give participants the opportunity to work with and learn from colleagues operating is a wide range of teaching contexts .
7 An opportunity to work with and care for people of all races , communities and creeds .
8 Their silks and skin dissolved as if gobbled by a cloud of ravenous moths .
9 ( i ) General skills Relating to and handling clients who have suffered trauma Negotiation Interviewing Advising clients Drafting Advocacy Appraisal of issues
10 This was just what he wanted — a good stick to pull at and play with .
11 Battler rose as if to follow him , then stopped and looked round at me .
12 The obligation of Member States to provide for and impose real and effective sanctions in respect of a breach of Community law has been derived by the European Court of Justice ( ECJ ) from two fundamental Community law principles : the principle of co-operation and the principle of effective judicial protection .
13 Getting ICL to comment on or explain anything much is a fruitless task , but counter-arguments are easily marshalled to the chorus of derision that has greeted the aftermath of the acquisition .
14 Neither a system of documentation nor a local bridging arrangement can change the national requirement but both have the opportunity to adjust to and to accommodate local preferences , strengths and developments of the curriculum .
15 Approximately one car owner in ten will have their car broken into or stolen this year — that makes it a major problem .
16 TV adverts and better security devices helped reduce the number of cars broken into or stolen between April and June this year to 372,081 , a fall of 2.6 per cent on last year .
17 One side drives by and shoots innocent people .
18 One side drives by and shoots innocent people .
19 Her chin was distinctly pointed , her mouth clenched as if withholding a cry , Vincent saw the pallor of her face , its sad lines , her eyes inward-looking , and felt that his soul was in correspondence with her .
20 A clean machine is more of a pleasure to work with and tends to command more respect form others .
21 Section 1 provides that on the death of any person ( after the commencement of that Act ) all causes of action subsisting against or vested in him survive against or , as the case may be , for the benefit of , his estate .
22 Robins and Cohen ( 1978 ) provide the sad and honest tale of an attempt to work with and politicise working-class youths in a working-class area of London .
23 This could be done by asking subjects to listen to and hum back music while performing the dot location task .
24 Once ashore , the attacking force made for and took the remains of the Fao oil-export complex .
25 The President made as if to reach for Trent 's hand but the effort was too great , or perhaps the shame .
26 Liu Chang 's mouth opened as if to form a question , then clicked shut .
27 She was sitting in an armchair , leaning forward , her eyes closed as if to concentrate better on what was being said .
28 Children can be given toys and books to look at and encouraged to sit for at least five minutes .
29 She gave her books to look at and explained how the printed letters beneath each picture made words which summarized the illustration .
30 Certain Articles ( or articles to like effect ) need to be included to enable an incorporated practice to comply with and remain in compliance with the Rules .
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