Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 Undertakings to be won from the lairds binding themselves to undertake nothing punitive against tenants seen at meetings . ’
2 I 'll tell you if T want you to do anything . ’
3 This conditioning idea , absent in the that-clause construction , is what I believe accounts for the less factual tone of the infinitival structure : explicitly evoking one 's knowledge as the condition allowing one to assert something ( rather than flatly stating one 's awareness of a fact ) tends to suggest that what one is saying is a personal opinion rather than a matter of objective fact .
4 Politeness forced him to offer one .
5 ‘ Did his general condition lead you to expect something of the sort ? ’
6 ‘ Well , Lady Lavinia told me to make something of you .
7 If fitzAlan expected her to explain everything , he could cope with the truth , she decided angrily .
8 They follow two lines : either my child commands me to do something , and if I do n't , she insists , and eventually has a tantrum ;
9 An information board allowed me to keep everyone up-to-date on my progress , stimulate interest and heighten awareness of my role as it developed .
10 In fact , the whole place defied you to find anything installed after the fall of Mussolini .
11 ‘ If she did kill Gebrec , Banana Split will have a job getting her to admit anything . ’
12 I mean they 've got to understand that when the teacher tells them to do something that
13 In fact , I had a job tempting her to eat anything else .
14 What gives you this impression ? 6 The teacher set them to do something in a short time .
15 Dinghy sailing has something to offer everyone regardless of age , fitness or depth of pocket
16 Lin Foh jerked his head in acknowledgement of the courtesy , his princely bearing enabling him to do nothing else .
17 Jesus told them to leave everything and follow them .
18 So there 's classic sort of stories about organisation where the the er president of the organisation asks somebody to investigate something and that gets translated by the vice president into sort of rather more hostile sort of thing and basically it ends up with somebody at the bottom of the pile having their ass kicked or whatever because it 's been translated , or mis- translated down , okay ?
19 My editor , Sally O'Sullivan , was the first person to ask me to write anything other than my name on an Access receipt , and I would have followed her to World 's End .
20 When the studio manager asked him to say something to check the microphone levels , he recited the first few lines of The Wreck of the Deutschland with appropriate gestures .
21 Sometimes people expect you to do everything overnight do n't they .
22 But of course I am aware that people want me to do lots of things because I am Kylie Minogue . ’
23 So the simple answer to our question is that God wants us to find something useful in this passage from His word so that we — people who serve God — or , in the other translations , men and women of God — may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed .
24 Oh Billy told me to say Billy told me to say something and he rang us .
25 She forced her gaze onto her hands , habit scolding her to do something .
26 Just for a second longer she hovered uncertainly in the doorway , fighting against the urge to beg him to find someone else to teach him before she spun round and ran from the room .
27 Eventually a strong urge swept me to do something vandalistic to the apparatus , but I yielded not to temptation and left , returning a couple of hours later to complete my purchases .
28 The angling of the control panel towards the driver helps one to reach everything while driving , without having to let concentration waver .
29 This corner of France has plenty to offer everybody and we recommend you try to see as much of it as possible .
30 ‘ A great many years from now , in another universe , a man in a mirror told me to do nothing .
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