Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cancelling fractions is when somebody ha gives you somebody says erm you say , How much pizza did you get ? three twelfths. three twelfths make it a bit more simple oh well it 's just the same as three three twelfths is
2 Of course , had the guilds and fraternities included a handling charge in their reckoning they might have attracted an income allowing them the freedom to purchase for themselves those ‘ extras ’ now being clamoured for .
3 Albert as chairman asked me a number of questions to which he already knew the answers for the good reason that we had already gone over them in Fulham .
4 William Temple got him an honouring invitation , as a delegate to the vast ecumenical conference at Edinburgh in 1937 .
5 But at least give that person whose turn er , on the Management Committee for representing er , another committee , give him the opportunity to s either speak on it , or to say whether or not he wishes to carry on and of course to see what the vote people would take , and to put himself forward even so , which unfortunately , I was n't er , able to do so .
6 Now let us take a look to see what the future might hold .
7 She came downstairs , she slopped all the way through to the kitchen made herself a cup of tea and sat
8 I think we 'll look at the news in a few minutes to see what the weather 's going to be and then , do you want any ice cream or anything ?
9 There was the lure of the big stores , though clothing coupons and shortage of money made them a feast for the eye only .
10 These acts make it an offence to kill these wild animals and they have an obvious effect on conservation ; that these animals are not being killed — at least if the law is being obeyed .
11 The Ideal had to close down , and a vandal 's brick made it the Id al , which spelled the end of an era .
12 If his fragile skills made him a figure of immense vulnerability on the pitch , then off the pitch , in the press and in the corridors of football power , Jinky was hacked to bits and fullbacks were rarely to blame .
13 He succeeds in the game and the goldfish offers him a prize .
14 His comments were useful because they provide us all with the opportunity to see what the Opposition have in mind and the approach that they will take in the run-up to the next election and if they were ever to be elected to government .
15 Its lushness and tropical variety made it a place of great beauty with winding roads and hair-pin bends giving spectacular views over the jungle .
16 Politically , therefore , the inducements to continue what the Plowden Committee call ‘ excessive social services ’ are much stronger than the inducements to discontinue them or to supplement any which may happen to be ‘ inadequate ’ .
17 Determined to carry on with her education , Judy got herself a tutor for her English , and went to the local college to do maths .
18 Cos I did n't know what you know our mum got her a couple of games .
19 Geoff 's mum got me a piece of cheese last week from Superkeys .
20 Nicoll appointed him a fellow of the Shakespeare Institute in 1953 .
21 As we have seen , the removal of a core-electron requires an energy characteristic primarily of the atom concerned , so this technique offers us the ability to identify the constituent atoms of any sample .
22 Then her original mentor found her a machine to buy .
23 Both volumes of the Dictionary passed the censorship ( in 1845 and 1846 respectively ) , but Volume Two was proscribed a month after publication when the authorities grasped what the circle was up to .
24 Michael 's younger sister found him a fidget in church and thought it was fidgeting to excess .
25 If your hair causes you no concern , count yourself lucky .
26 To do that , on May 18th the prime minister , Leonid Kuchma , asked parliament to grant him a range of extraordinary powers : to rule the economy by decree , control the central bank and the state privatisation body and have jurisdiction over the president 's satraps in the regions .
27 Colin phoned him up , and er , it it he mentioned , how he was starting up , and he said he might be interested , anyway Colin phoned him a couple of weeks ago to see if he was still interested in .
28 A strong police presence outwitted their every move .
29 As the aim of many of the BES assured tenancy companies is eventually to obtain value by selling or redeveloping the properties when they are vacant , it would be useful for shareholders to know what the market value is with vacant possession , even if the present value with tenants in possession is also shown as a note .
30 A brief greatness was now conferred on the place , when the Popes found it an island refuge in their struggle against the Empire : Count Pierre of Melgueil bestowed the county and bishopric on SS Peter and Paul and Pop Gregory VII in 1085 , Pope Urban II graciously granted it back as a fief for a mere annual ounce of gold , and in 1096 , on a visit , astonishingly declared the church ‘ second after that of Rome ’ , with arms of the two
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