Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [pron] [verb] their " in BNC.

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1 It has never been the case that central Government would indemnify local authorities for expenditure when they are already given money through the revenue support grant to enable them to undertake their responsibilities , and that is not a way forward .
2 Effective Project Management — an intensive five-day residential course for executives needing professional management skills to enable them to meet their objectives successfully .
3 Many Fine Art graduates take up professional practice as artists , and this course encourages them to consider their role as artists in the community by providing opportunities for short-term placements outside the Faculty .
4 But , in March 1120 , the monks of St Augustine 's obtained a papal privilege allowing them to ring their bells to their hearts ' content , however much they annoyed their neighbours over the wall ; more to the point , this privilege quoted four papal privileges of the seventh to tenth centuries , all of them forgeries and one of them a forgery either derived from , or the source of , the very privilege of Pope Boniface IV which Alexander II had quoted to Lanfranc in 1070 .
5 The hon. Gentleman knows that those on income support were given increased income support to enable them to pay their 20 per cent .
6 They were unhappy and in a hurry to get clear of the trees ; they started if a mouse stirred , and when an owl hooted they seized their swords . ’
7 Famous for their hair care products , Wella want you to experience their benefits to the fullest .
8 Because it took anthropomorphism to the nth degree , Mr Lendrem 's conclusions may be summarised as follows : ( 1 ) When ducks sleep they close their eyes .
9 This involved a time-consuming combination of formal committees and informal conversations with people outside meetings to encourage them to voice their doubts and opinions .
10 The geomancers led everyone to take their eye from the ball and fix instead on an illusory bubble that burst at about 2am on Friday .
11 Soon after his appointment he went to the north to meet representatives of the non-Burman races , and in effect asked them to state their own terms for participation in a Union of Burma .
12 The clear autumn day drew to a close and Corbett made them rest their horses for a while .
13 Jews want me to flatter their pride of race ’ , Max Jacob complained bitterly and added that they ‘ imagine themselves superior and ignore the rest of the world ’ , in a book of ‘ Ecstasies , remorse , visions , prayers , poems and meditations of a converted Jew ’ , entitled La Défense de Tartuffe .
14 The news when Rain reached the office was that Tavett was again being questioned by the police ; there were insistent rumours of a row between Maureen and Barron ; the freedom of speech people were muttering obscenities because their latest attempt at a cartoon had been rejected ; and the Patriotic Ten were casting around for a fresh mind to help them get their statement into publishable form .
15 It was in the interests of the Great Powers that they could not be held bound by a treaty to which they had not formally become a party while , as will be seen , a number of the exceptions to the classic rule enabled them to impose their will upon weaker entities .
16 The male hoverfly uses these to keep the tiny female in view as he chases her during courtship , while robberflies use them to track their flying prey .
17 A number of women in the Scottish party are finding the matter of female representation less humorous and have taken steps to force it to address their concerns .
18 Press bureaux , where they existed , were small ; and the fact that they were usually headed by officials rather than experienced journalists did nothing to increase their efficiency .
19 About one third of drivers said they used their cars for unnecessary journeys .
20 The life-cycles of many animals require them to find their way back to a particular place .
21 One depicts Mary 's first husband , Francis II , three times rushing to welcome her in heaven , and three times finding that he can only embrace a headless body , so that he curses his people ; whereupon the poet exhorts them to forget their own troubles , and unite to destroy England and send its queen to a dreadful death .
22 Oxfam is working with the refugees helping them rebuild their lives .
23 When asked what happened , 62% said they were touched in a sensual way ; 42% experienced someone touching their sex organs ; 33% were masturbated ; 28% were forced to show their sex organs to another person ; 25% were shown another person 's sex organs ; 24% touched another person 's sex organs ; 21% were talked to about sex in an erotic way ; 21% were shown pornographic material ; 16% took part in oral sex ; 10% were flashed at in a public place ; 5% were involved in sexual intercourse ( sometimes including anal sex ) ; and 3% were involved in kissing in a sensual way .
24 The heparin sensitivity of these two promoters led us to study their functional characteristics in comparison with other promoters known to form unstable open complexes .
25 And ironically , in view of the Minister 's remarks about business interests in broadcasting , the main beneficiary of this expenditure was the Commercial Service and the companies using it to advertise their products .
26 Some pupils with special educational needs , with or without statements , may need assistance to enable them to communicate their achievements .
27 Even the Beatles used it to symbolize their vision of a more just world when they named their business Apple Corp .
28 But they failed to reduce the size sufficiently and ended up with a prototype that could n't record anything — so the engineers used it to play their favourite music cassettes while they worked .
29 Agents must try to burrow into the minds of central bankers to discover what motivates their actions governing the course of the money stock .
30 In the initial centuries of Bel Shanaar 's long reign the Elves busied themselves rebuilding their land and exploring the surrounding world .
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