Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Comintern worked predictably but with difficulty to establish control over the recalcitrant comrades in both factions but was faced with firm opposition from those who did not wish to see Korean communism become a minor branch of the world communist movement directed by Moscow .
2 if the interpreter is also acting as culture broker , guide , philosopher and friend several things can happen ; the level of interpreting accuracy diminishes as the interpreter addresses these additional roles , both the non-English and English speaking clients lose control over the content of what is said , and , if the interpreter takes it upon themselves to decide what is to be interpreted , the standard of service usually diminishes .
3 This led to involvement in a wide range of speculative projects throughout Europe , North America , and the West Indies , and the huge resources at his disposal enabled him to embark on a vigorous attempt to secure control over the affairs of the East India Company .
4 The department has expertise over a wide range of philosophical subjects , ranging from aesthetics to philosophy of science , philosophy of language and logic to moral philosophy , philosophy of mind to legal and political philosophy , and modern continental philosophy to the philosophy of religion .
5 On January 3 , 1979 , road transport drivers stopped work over a 25 per cent claim , paralysing dock movements , starving industry of supplies , putting thousands on short time and causing panic buying of food and threats of rationing .
6 In taking steps to tighten control over the peasantry and the zemstvos , the government saw itself consolidating the alliance between State and nobility .
7 The main bedroom has balconies over the west-facing stone loggia and the bay window of the drawing-room .
8 The XJ speeds north over the road-bridge , no lights or siren on but we clip along and it 's the smoothest fucking motorway journey I 've ever had ; just a total hassle-free zone creaming along around the ton with no worries about unmarked police cars and hoo-wee the traffic in front of us just fucking evaporates ; man , just brakes ( and wobbles sometimes as the guy probably gets the cold sweats and the wo-where'd-my-stomach-go ? feeling ) , swings meekly left and brakes again ; you 've never seen a beefy BMW 5-series duck in so fast in your life ; might as well all be driving 2CVs .
9 On the centre pages I found a huge black and white photograph of a Hercules aircraft disgorging paratroopers over a large expanse of grassland somewhere in Africa .
10 An attempt to regain control over the peasants ' movement
11 If Edgar speaks the last words , they appear a sort of reproof to Albany while Edgar assumes authority over the hopes of the future .
12 The attempt to hound companies over a debatable interpretation of one day 's delay shows a particularly nasty form of small-mindedness .
13 The opportunity for the PLO to assert sovereignty over a specific territory arose through the Jordanian decision in July 1988 to sever administrative and legal links with the West Bank [ see p. 36120 ] .
14 The District Council has accommodated the highest proportion of Greater York growth of all the districts surrounding York over the last ten years , and therefore I think it likely that it would expected to accommodate the largest proportion of the fourteen hundred dwellings that would be accommodated in the new settlement , erm I do not think that any of the settlements or that there is sufficient land within the Southern Ryedale area to accommodate that level of development without adversely affecting character of the settlements , or compromising greenbelt objectives , as I mentioned this morning , and also I question whether or not erm whether th most of the settlements in the Southern Ryedale area have only a minimal s minimal service base anyway on which to tack any large housing growths , and I do n't necessarily foresee any subsequent rise in the service base of those settlements as a result of the housing being added on to them .
15 Some readers exhibit conservatism over the adoption of new information technology , and many librarians , faced with the problem of the need for archival storage of scientific data — an intrinsic feature of the nature and use of geological and botanical literature , for example — and knowing the costs incurred in data conversion as each new technological advance occurs , will choose to retain paper , and postpone decisions on technology .
16 Off this gallery all the principal bedrooms face west over an extensive private garden ( Plate 5 ) .
17 Kirk concluded that neither of the two methods showed superiority over the other .
18 Where he is the occupier of premises in or on which the chattels ( not attached to the premises ) are found and , before the finding ‘ he has manifested an intention to exercise control over the [ premises ] and the things which may be upon it or in it ’ .
19 The shooting followed incidents over the last two or three weeks where the family 's other two cats have returned home and have been violently sick .
20 pauses elegantly in the conservatory of the large west wing where floor-length windows lead on to a terrace facing south over the garden .
21 Gorbachev expressed regret over the " unfounded invasion of Czechoslovakia " in 1968 , according to Soviet reports .
22 Then there is the slack legislation passed by parliamentarians far removed from the sharp end of society and the liberal-minded intellectuals living in ‘ Cloud-cuckoo-land ’ where tolerance for the assailant takes precedence over the suffering of the victim .
23 As weak springs can only stored a fraction of the potential energy that a strong spring can hold , the remainder is lost as heat and if the change from a strong to a weak spring takes place over a period of time , equivalent to the observation time , then the energy loss is detected as mechanical damping .
24 During the recess ( Sept. 3-13 ) , the Israeli side expressed optimism over the progress of talks with Syria .
25 If one adds to this one other incontrovertible fact — that the overwhelming majority of women have lived their lives without economic freedom or autonomy , but as dependants or chattels lacking control over the crucial fixed aspects of their own lives — then it becomes clear that the chameleon nature of women is their necessary self-protection .
26 Assignment by statute is governed by the Law of Property Act 1925 , s136 which provides that : Any absolute assignment by writing under the hand of the assignor ( not purporting to be by way of charge only ) of any debt or other legal thing in action , of which express notice in writing has been given to the debtor , trustee or other person from the assignor would have been entitled to claim such debt or thing in action , is effectual in law ( subject to equities having priority over the right of the assignee ) to pass and transfer from the date of such notice : ( a ) the legal right to such debt or thing in action ; ( b ) all legal and other remedies for the same ; and ( c ) the power to give a good discharge for the same without the concurrence of the assignor .
27 In a much governed kingdom like England royal administration included control over the sheriff and other local officers ; in some kingdoms it included little more than the issuing of charters and the collecting of somewhat meagre taxes .
28 Outside , the wind blew snow over the gravestones , and there was ice on our windows .
29 Race 4 for the Eric Freeman Trophy in force 2–3 winds outside the harbour saw Fenwick over the line at the start .
30 I noticed Dennis took precedence over the foot run by Pat , but he , he
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