Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Training : Tax relief will be given to employers helping employees leaving their company to set up on their own .
2 Other approaches , designed to make people aware of their behaviour in groups , use questionnaires and rating scales to enable participants to record their feelings , perceptions and ideas about the group and its behaviour .
3 Inside , the palace 's splendour made Ranulf catch his breath .
5 The decision depends on the introduction of a framework allowing owners to have their horses sponsored , and the payment of appearance money .
6 By December 1761 the observations and modifications of several years ' practical experience led Sutton to believe he had perfected his method .
7 I did have two minutes to see A do his ladder climb , and T's climbing feat .
8 DARLINGTON Conservatives say they are pleased with election canvassing returns showing they have the support of half the townspeople they contacted .
9 Its contract expired earlier this month , but last year an independent consultancy recommended California replace its existing system , it had already purchased it outright from G Tec for sixty million dollars .
10 Amanda Tooth said that hard times made Antonia set her sights on someone who could help her make a name .
11 THE attractions of personal pensions has been enhanced by a change in the rules allowing individuals to manage their own investments within a personal pension plan .
12 Such cosseting made passengers feel they were very special and the airlines did all they could to encourage distinguished people to fly with them Imperial Airways carried HM King Feisal from Baghdad to Gaza in 1927 and later took to publishing monthly lists of their important passengers .
13 Did Mrs Kettering want Buck to leave her or was she considering a more extreme solution ?
14 It is binding only if there are good reasons to enable people to subject themselves to political authorities by their consent .
15 This hands-on experience helped Lorne talk his way into a production assistant 's job at the BBC in London , where he was exposed to the broader spectrum of skills required to get a film on the air .
16 A sentence like ‘ Every simple contract needs consideration to support it , as Treitel points out , ’ is infantile .
17 The deaf community might well attach the label ‘ failure ’ to much of hearing society 's attempts to provide services to meet their needs .
18 However , after Joseph Parker died in 1902 the City Temple invited Campbell to take his place .
19 The fixation shift results make it clear that orienting behaviour can be evoked by stimuli that can not have been processed by any contralateral cortical structures .
20 A few days later , when Churchill invited Attlee to accompany him to the Potsdam conference — which was due to meet before the election result would be known — Harold Laski , as chairman of the National Executive , warned Attlee publicly that he should go ‘ in the role of observer only ’ , because Labour would expect to have a distinctive foreign policy thereafter .
21 CHRISTIE has time to raise his arms in triumph as he crosses the line for his 100-metres win — with clear daylight between him and the pack .
22 S.9 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985 ( AJA ) authorised the Council to make rules enabling solicitors to incorporate their practices .
23 The C & G has £50m to lend which it calls ‘ a very limited issue ’ .
24 Back-up has been provided by social work and community education staff and the Forum now has an urban-aid grant to provide staffing to assist its work in especially deprived areas .
25 As your article ( 6 October ) says , the award challenges Peking to honour what it says is its willingness to open a dialogue with the Dalai Lama .
26 Some bands who made their own recordings took the opportunity to encourage others to follow their example .
27 Yesterday , the Londonbased Irish Emigrants Voice campaign renewed its demands for Britain 's Irish community to be allowed to vote in the elections .
28 Now , ha , what sort of faith has God given us ?
29 It enlisted the help of the Town Crier to encourage parishioners to empty their larders in time for Lent .
30 How many times has America used its veto to maintain Israel 's occupation of three Arab countries and to permit the continued killing of men , women , and children in occupied Palestine ?
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