Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] had be [v-ing] " in BNC.

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31 Mother Francis had been putting off her visit to Mother Clare as long as possible .
32 Unit trust savings schemes had been running for 20 years , but investment trust savings schemes did not start until 1984 .
33 The Review Panel had been considering Trafalgar 's accounts for the year to 30 September 1991 since February , but the company had consistently refused to capitulate .
34 Portadown 's Sonya Rowe and her horse Amsterdam had been leading after dressage , but were eliminated on the cross-country at fence four after the horse put his tongue over the bit and Sonya lost control .
35 Ewen Mackay had been staring hard at the other man while they talked .
36 The Fraud Squad had been seeking the help of several journalists for some weeks , as part of its work on the findings of that official report .
37 We would need to know far more about the actual course of study students had been following , albeit briefly , under Vial , before we could accept that Coleman maliciously reduced it , and that his motive , as claimed by Smith , was mercenary self-interest ( the 20 guineas student 's fee going into his pocket ) .
38 If agent provocateurs had been endeavouring to make trouble between Official and Provisional IRA , it would have been the ideal weapon to use .
39 Etna has two summit craters , the Main Crater and the North-East Crater ( both lying along the line of a fissure ) , and the North-East Crater had been showing mild Strombolian activity for many years prior to the 1971 eruption .
40 The House UnAmerican Activities Committee had been sitting before McCarthy and it went on after him and in the long run this damaged more people .
41 Mr Pollards father david also gave evidence , saying in a statement how Gary Burn had been sobbing hystericaly when tring to explain to him what had happened .
42 Since about mid-June , the Khmers Rouges had been refusing the chief co-ordinator of the UN Transitional Authority in Cambodia ( UNTAC ) , Yasushi Akashi , access to areas they controlled around Pailin , reports said , even though the peace agreement , which they had signed together with the three other factions , gave him authority to travel anywhere .
43 The hapless Jeff Nuttall — whose cartoon strip had been running since the first issue-also felt the lash .
44 In recent years , independence activities had been increasing , especially in Dili , despite a harsh response from the Indonesian authorities .
45 The sun stood uncertainly on the horizon , a disc of perfect orange , hovering above the smudge of suburban parks and tiled roofs , the same sun Spittals had been admiring a couple of hours before .
46 While , however , Admiral Hawke had been keeping a vigilant eye on Brest , Admiral Edward Boscawen had been busily patrolling off Toulon .
47 So with eight of the world 's top golfers within five shots of each other and eight different nationalities represented , the stage was set for the grandstand finish which Hammond Wilde had been dreaming about for the best part of a year .
48 Since early February oyster-catchers had been arriving back from spending the winter around the big estuaries of mainland Britain and by the end of March were well distributed in coastal areas .
49 Manager Alan Murray had been looking for somebody to replace the unlucky Saville , who broke his arm hours after his Pool debut a fortnight ago in a freak restaurant accident .
50 Despite excellent character-witnesses , among them Elizabeth , who delivered an impassioned plea on her maid 's behalf , Justine stood condemned by one piece of circumstantial evidence : a locket containing a picture of her late mistress had been found in her belongings — a locket which the child William had been wearing only the day before the murder .
51 Linford , despite his shenanigans , was quietly confident ; Ray Stewart had been improving in recent weeks , as had the fast-starting American Lee Macrae .
52 After our visit to Baghdad and Amman , the Women 's International Peace Delegation had been planning to visit the US to meet with George Bush , but this was postponed when the attack on Iraq began on January 16 .
53 Quite a lot of the clean-up work had been going on apace of the actual stripdown of the engine so when the latter was finished , the former was not far behind .
54 The hens that roosted on the rafters would scavenge as usual along the shore , and hunt for dropped oats in the straw and bracken Luch had been gathering from the moor all summer .
55 Meanwhile sister-in-law Kim had been working hard too and in 12 months she lost 5st ( 32kg ) , plus 12½ins ( 32cm ) from her bust , 11 ins ( 28 cm ) from her waist , 14ins ( 36cm ) from her hips and 10½ins ( 26cm ) from each thigh !
56 The Local Plan inquiry had been taking place and the village had made a large input thanks to help from Rear Admiral Charles Weston and Christine Darter , who had devoted time and effort in presenting the parish point of view on many matters .
57 Jones also suggested to Ryszard Gajewski , the administrator of the Advanced Energy Program at the DOE , that he inform Fleischmann and Pons that the BYU group had been doing similar work on piezonuclear fusion since 1986 and that cooperation between the two universities , which are only some 50 miles apart , would be a great benefit .
58 With hips at 44.5 inches and thighs at 25 inches , it was no wonder Rudolph had been complaining about excess baggage .
59 This was the one question Robert had been hoping the headmaster would not ask him .
60 Chris [ Stocks ] was a little surprised to say the least when he arrived home from his holiday to be told that The sun newspaper had been trying to contact him , asking him to go to London to play a practical joke on the king of practical jokers Chris Evans .
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