Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] was [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 The budget deficit was to be cut to 60,000 million roubles by reducing central state expenditure on investment ( notably in heavy industry ) , the military and administration .
2 The budget deficit was to be restricted to 1.6 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) , compared with 3 per cent in 1989 .
3 Arsenal 's poor performances in January 1933 sparked off a minor panic among supporters , and Chapman was even called upon to deny the widespread rumour that the new West Stand was to be dismantled and re-erected at Tottenham , the ultimate ignominy .
4 It was also announced that the country 's domestic defence industry was to be developed in the 1990s so that by the year 2000 it would be able to produce its own military aircraft , warships and submarines .
5 And the Princess Joanna 's marriage to David Stewart was to be declared null and void , since both had been mere infants at its celebration , and the princess free to marry whomsoever her royal brother selected , Balliol himself being glad and privileged to wed her if this was his Lord Edward 's will and choice .
6 IBM 's data engine was to be used alongside Tivoli Systems Inc 's Object Management Group-compliant Object Dispatcher technology in the DME server compartment , which maintains objects that contain information about resources on a network as well as routines for managing them .
7 The first Bishop of Middlesbrough , Richard Lacey was to be in office for 50 years .
8 Thatcher 's popularity soared to a record level , said the polls , though an inquiry into the Falklands mess was to be started .
9 A process of constitutional change involving the dismantling of the apartheid system began in South Africa following the announcement by the President in his speech at the opening of Parliament on Feb. 2 , 1990 , not only that the release of African National Congress ( ANC ) leader Nelson Mandela was imminent , but also that the ANC , the Pan-Africanist Congress and the South African Communist Party were to be unbanned and that the 1953 Reservation of Separate Amenities Act was to be repealed .
10 Napier also employed about 15,000 men in the Vulcan Forge between Washington Street and McAlpine Street , and extensive construction yards at Govan , but Parkhead Forge was to be a tumult of fire and heat for 100 years .
11 Furthermore , the research process was to be used to train locals in obtaining the information they needed , and thereby develop a network of individuals and groups who would express their concern for the land issues of the region by an ongoing commitment to further action at local and National level using the results obtained from the study .
12 Instead a single Urban Programme designation was to be introduced , and the traditional Urban Programme was to be phased out .
13 The third Phoenix King was to be Imrik , who upon his succession took the name Caledor the First .
14 Finally , the programme approach was to be extended over the whole Fund , with National Programmes of Community Interest , Community Programmes and Integrated Development Programmes , so that at least 20 per cent of the budget would be directed towards programme expenditure .
15 For Marx and Engels society was to be analysed in terms of the social organization of production , which in The German Ideology they called the division of labour .
16 If all long term care was to be given within the NHS the number of beds would have to be expanded by at least a third and probably nearly doubled if , as is often the case , those in residential homes require nursing care .
17 Inquiries were set up in both cases , while Haughey announced on Sept. 22 that a serious fraud agency was to be established .
18 The cod catch was to be reduced to 98,270 tonnes , from 118,700 in 1989 , and the haddock quota was to fall from 62,500 tonnes to 41,700 .
19 In December the Economic Planning Board announced further measures to attract foreign investors in preparation for 1992 when the South Korean stock market was to be opened to foreigners .
20 Briefly with the SAS in the Second World War , he distinguished himself by being wholly ignorant of whether a wheel nut was to be undone clockwise or not .
21 Although neither party knew it , the Cherbourg visit was to be the last state meeting between the sovereigns .
22 These would be aimed at reaching agreement over what he believed were essential changes to the constitution if the refugee influx was to be curbed .
23 The Official Secrets Act was to be amended to allow freedom of information , and changes were to be made to the postal service to protect privacy .
24 The UK government decided , by means of a Privy Council order on June 9 , that the UK 's 1989 Official Secrets Act was to be implemented in Hong Kong with effect from the end of the month .
25 The paper was a poster advertising the play Shannon was to be working on — a poster dominated by the vivid blue eyes and harsh , hawklike features of the star player .
26 The prose which preoccupied Milton during the Commonwealth and Protectorate periods was to be seen as separate and certainly intrinsically less interesting than the poetry in which Parker portrays Milton participating in some universalised European humanism .
27 In these circumstances an election campaign was to be waged with the same zeal which would otherwise be reserved for a parliamentary election .
28 In future the advice of the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge was to be obtained immediately after sentence , whether the life sentence was mandatory or discretionary , but in the latter case the judicial view of the tariff was to determine the date of the first review by the Parole Board machinery .
29 The record of this parliament is incomplete , but the recollection of contemporaries seems unequivocal , and in later , more difficult , circumstances parliament was to be reminded more than once that it had given its assent to the war .
30 It was a good choice : Archbishop Wenilo was to be one of Charles 's key supporters in the critical period after 840 .
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