Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] to [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 When an electric current passes longitudinally through the plate in a magnetic field , the so called Hall voltage appears across the direction perpendicular to both the current and the field ( New Scientist , vol 84 , p 536 ) .
2 I followed his gesture over the buried walls , across the narrow roadway between the ploughed-out snow dunes to where the fell rose steeply in a sweep of broken white to join the leaden sky .
3 I went to the top of Ludgate Hill and watched exhausted men being carried out of the Old Bailey , then down side streets to where the steeple of St Bride 's church was tottering and the bells had gone crashing down minutes previously .
4 Where the expiry time for uncoupled modules exceeds the ‘ time since last access ’ , a transfer request to offline the module version is made ; alternatively , where the expiry time for coupled modules exceeds the ‘ time since last access ’ , a transfer request to offline the module version is made .
5 Where the expiry time for uncoupled modules exceeds the ‘ time since last access ’ , a transfer request to offline the module version is made ; alternatively , where the expiry time for coupled modules exceeds the ‘ time since last access ’ , a transfer request to offline the module version is made .
6 We too would like to see some pensioner and pensioner trustees on that trustee board , but we do also recognise because it is er a large scheme heavily weighted er with er pensioners and deferred pensioners in the very fact that it has been transferred from the public centre of public er sector into the private sector , that we would like to see an independent trustee er er appointed on to the er Committee of Management it would er er sort of act as a balance and be able to provide er specialist advice to particularly the Trade Union Trustees and for that matter the Employer Trustees so as to keep a broad balance of what 's happening within the that time .
7 The range from the firing point to where the rounds impacted was between 35 metres ( the shot that hit Barling ) and 30 metres ( the ones that hit the pillar ) … ’
8 Not that it makes a whits difference to how the team plays or what team Wilko puts out on Saturday .
9 The report concluded that the Fayed brothers , Mohamed and Ali , had ( i ) dishonestly misrepresented their background and wealth to the DTI for the purpose of persuading the Department in 1985 not to refer the acquisition to the Monopolies and Mergers Commission ( MMC ) ; ( ii ) used their connection with the Sultan of Brunei to enable them to acquire the funds used in the acquisition ; ( iii ) repeated their lies to their advisers , who had accepted at face value what they were told and failed to check its accuracy ; and ( iv ) misrepresented the extent of their business assets to both the DTI and to the Office of Fair Trading .
10 The application would be made by the Head of the Security Services to either the Minister of the Interior or the Minister of Defence .
11 For example , a successful validation exercise in Singapore enabled the Board to add a manuscript transcription component to both the Private Secretary 's Certificate and to the Secretarial Studies Certificate .
12 All members will have vivid recollections of the Banks ' huge publicity campaign , between January and May last year , attempting to sell Extended Opening Hours to both the Public and our members and the guarantees which accompanied this publicity .
13 Credit business to both the personal and corporate sector ( but especially the former ) are likely to grow in the future , providing substantial opportunities for Finance Houses ( see Chapter 13 ) .
14 Information on road and rail access to both the workplace and schools should be given .
15 The expansion includes fitting the latest pollution control equipment to both the existing and new production lines at a cost of £3.5 million to allow the plant to meet stricter legislation due to be implemented in 1996 .
16 As Ronny Jordan notes , his style appeals to both the head and the feet .
17 In the end it is left to Dickson McCunn to further the romantic element of the book when he impersonates the chosen royal candidate , the elderly and ailing Archduke Hadrian .
18 They occupy fringe positions to both the Rowdies and Town Boys but have status in neither .
19 However , by the time we have moved forward from the crack tip to roughly the position of the next interatomic bond , the stress has fallen to rather less than half the peak value .
20 In spite of the spread of quantitative , physically inspired methods , and a growing preoccupation with process , geomorphologists have not put their discipline on an energy balance basis to nearly the same extent , and probably with good reason .
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