Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] and that she " in BNC.

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1 It had been alleged that Starr had used her position as president of a charitable foundation to make illicit campaign contributions and that she was involved in bribery and dubious real-estate transactions involving Liberal political figures ; the scandal also concerned a property developer , Tridel Corp. , whose president , Del Zotto , was also president of the Ontario branch of the federal Liberal Party .
2 I could n't quite believe that this was the same Steffi that I had read about in Tennis World and that she was actually there .
3 But on the picket line Bob Busby had pointed out to her that the Shadow Scheme was official University business and that she would be strike-breaking if she kept her appointment .
4 Ever-loyal Leigh says that 's grossly unfair on a woman who proved she could act in the movie Madame Sousatzka and that she could sing and dance in the film version of Thirties musical The Boyfriend .
5 In interviews , she had claimed there were no diabetic residents at Lancaster House and that she had no access to insulin even though it was kept in an unlocked refrigerator , he said .
6 This perhaps supports the criticism that the Queen 's advisers should not have allowed her to be urged into an immediate invitation to Lord Home and that she should have taken at least a little time fully to apprise herself of the changing political situation and of the views of the Conservative leadership , as it was then emerging .
7 If Susanna Jennens was alone much of the time , there is no reason to doubt that she gave attention to her kitchen maid and that she encouraged her to read and to write poetry .
8 However he went on to find that Miss T. was lulled into a sense of false security by hospital staff and that she was misinformed as to the availability and effectiveness of alternative procedures .
9 When I started my enquiries into our family history I was told that Mary Kell was two years older than George Webster and that she had previously been engaged to his elder brother who had died before they could marry .
10 The announcer said that the dead girl had been called Marianne Price and that she was twenty .
11 It was a seemingly endless eight months before the letter arrived announcing Fiona had qualified for a Gold Award and that she was invited to St James 's Palace in London to receive it .
12 That John should have kissed her like that — in the way she had quite often seen boys kiss girls on their way home- and that she should not have minded , apart from the slight awkwardness of the people surging around them , would have seemed incredible to her a few months ago .
13 like be doing his A levels and that she 's saying that she 's gon na take both of our stereos , lock them in the , lock them in the shed all day , take
14 It was true also that she gave English lessons and that she had applied for a full-time job as an English teacher in a small private school .
15 Later , at the staff table , Sarah told Catriona and Patrice that she was from New York and that she and her mother were travelling around Europe .
16 Had he been hoping for Doreen to arrive and say she was no longer interested in the large Hastings home and that she 'd be willing to live anywhere with him — even to work beside him out in the wilderness ?
17 However , the latter was brushed aside when she recalled that this was a barbecue day and that she 'd be working beside Silas .
18 She kept phoning me up to tell me about Crowded House tickets and that she could n't get any .
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