Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the field patterns over the land area in the upper left of the image are blurred by the smoothing operation .
2 Now it 's really gone a bit bit over the top I think .
3 A press conference on the subject , which was scheduled for Monday , was cancelled due to the suicide of former Prime Minister Pierre Beregovoy over the weekend .
4 Indeed , the huge capital exports by US business provided a ‘ justification ’ for the United States running a current account surplus and were used as such during the Smithsonian discussions over the size of adjustment of the exchange rate .
5 He ignored my emendation , but just continued to toss the cartridge cases over the gunwale .
6 The government has been obsessed with secrecy as is indicated by the prosecution of Clive Ponting and Sarah Tisdall over the disclosure of material covered by the Official Secrets Act and by their efforts to prevent the publication of Spycatcher by Peter Wright .
7 It is clear from this manifesto , and from other DUP election literature over the years , that the Party is mainly known for , and hence presumably supported for , its hardline unionism .
8 The data does not include common land and it has had to be standardised to overcome changes in category definitions over the years .
9 Negotiations on the formation of an East German government were accompanied by great controversy in both East and West Germany over the terms for the introduction of German monetary union .
10 The Investigation Committee also has a general monitoring function over the handling of complaints by the SCB .
11 A better memorial to him is the statue of Cardinal Wolsey over the gate to Christ Church College , Oxford , which he caused to be erected and underneath which he is named in a Latin inscription .
12 Fighting another NME writer over a woman ; having a pint of beer in the Roxy with Robert Plant ; realising that Sid Vicious could be fronted out because he only picked on those that he was likely to win against .
13 Pin the top of the pleats to the pelmet board over the ends of the swag ( fig. 46 ) .
14 Grace Carter , who spends hours each day talking to truck drivers over the airwaves , says the Chesnut Street car park should have proper facilities .
15 This is left oversized , the tenons cut on the ends of the back uprights and the positions for the mortises marked off by laying the rail piece over the tenons .
16 A ROW has broken out between two Darlington General Election candidates over the number of under-fives in nurseries .
17 Wielding the gavel in front of 1,500 people in sweltering heat under a tent on a village football pitch , Paris auctioneer Jacques Tajan sold off the entire contents of the château of antique dealer Bernard Steinitz over the weekend of 29-31 May for FFr 20,049,290 ( £2,045,845 ; $3,682,522 ) .
18 Install one of these and you can send computer data over the line without a modem ; voice traffic will have to be converted to digital form by special phone or exchange equipment .
19 Instead , distract your child 's attention from the buckles by fitting a play tray over the top .
20 The monopoly of Osaka merchants over the rice market , and Osaka 's role as a supply source for the demands of Edo and elsewhere , brought substantial prosperity .
21 She turned to the end of the document and saw a signature S. KETTERING over the address of the villa , LA FELICITÀ , MONDANO-IN-CHIANTI , SIENA , ITALY .
22 Rosa , who is poorest of all , lives in the gypsy camp over the slope at the far end of the valley .
23 Looking Glass 's voice , though , dominated the council , and it was agreed that he should lead the Nez Perce on the Lolo trail over the Bitterroots , to join the Crows in Montana , and perhaps on to the ‘ Old Woman 's Country ’ , Canada , where Sitting Bull had sought sanctuary after the Custer massacre .
24 Many punk bands extended this antagonism to all established rock musicians over the age of twenty-five .
25 Spreading the annuity purchase over a period of years will average out rates over that period , but whether this will result in a bigger pension at the end of the day is highly speculative .
26 The car park over the bridge has been provided to accommodate the cars of those aspiring to climb Beinn Alligin , the track starting directly opposite .
27 Christopher Boyle and Darren Mills had struck a deal with David Hawthorne over the sale of t-shirts .
28 DAVE BASSETT last night hit out angrily at David Hirst over the England striker 's horror tackle on Sheffield United left-back Tom Cowan .
29 The prize is intended to support research projects over a period of several years .
30 TEN people were injured in accidents on North-East roads over the weekend .
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