Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] and [verb] our " in BNC.

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1 The result is to cause us to love the theatre : ‘ the play recuperates and intensifies our need for these ceremonies , even though we do not believe in them , and performs them , carefully marked out for us as frauds , for our continued consumption ’ .
2 A land mine fell near shifting the two roads next to Weston Grove and demolishing our No. 6 .
3 Now if we replace the West Overton coordinates with those of Bishops Cannings church and recalculate our slope value , and if it is the same as that between the centres and has the same starting point , then a line joining the centres will have been proved to extend through to Bishops Cannings church .
4 As our seventy fifth birthday approaches , Cadbury hopes to stage more events and promotions to help us meet our seventy five million t pound target and meet our commitment to the world 's children .
5 Nine two , you have a paper from the , which is a copy of the paper th , that the director of financial services submitted to the magistrate 's court committee management board , a response from the magistrate 's courts management board for the county council erm , I will move to note the response of the magistrate 's courts committee and to confirm our previous recommendation to the county council regarding this part of the policy resources committee budget .
6 We did not rule on the applications at the time , as they were opposed by Mr. Munby , for the foster mother , but he agreed that we should look at the evidence de bene esse and make our ruling as part of our judgment .
7 We must renegotiate the ERM bands and cut our interest rates at once .
8 We must renegotiate the ERM bands and cut our interest rates at once … ’
9 It will be essential for all of us to maintain the efforts to contain operating costs and to maximise our incomes .
10 These are located next door to the Ruston test bed and bring our total investment in premises and equipment for LTS to £1.5 million .
11 She went on to emphasise the growing need to tackle environmental problems : ‘ It is no good proposing that we go back to some simple village life and halve our population by some means that have not yet been revealed .
12 We walked along Styhead Gill to follow the south traverse and crabbed our way across scree slopes .
13 We have clearly defined our investment priorities and established the right strategy to meet the challenges which face us , to exploit LASMO 's business strengths and to achieve our objectives .
14 As a membership incentive and to mark our 35th year as a Society everyone who enrols as a member in 1987 will receive a free gift .
15 As a membership incentive and to mark our 35th year as a Society everyone who enrols as a member in 1987 will receive a free gift .
16 In Hungary , the process industry looked to us for safety advice and provided our first contract in Eastern Europe .
17 It would prevent the destruction of rain forests and save our climate .
18 We are looking to strengthen and support the Omega brand name and increase our investment in new product development .
19 We hope one day Brian can polish the mantle piece and display our gold plated trophy and maybe perhaps carry the flag in the next Olympics .
20 It offers promotion opportunities to the service technicians and underpins our growth objective which in turn is good for everyone in Pest Control .
21 For those with a young family the inevitable taxi duties and watching our children take part in their school and club activities become more important than lying on the settee recovering from the morning session .
22 That is why we have designated this Sunday as a Pledge Day and asked our people to pledge what they believe God is calling them to give towards the Project over the next few years .
23 We are determined to see that the renegotiation of the Common Fisheries Policy protects the interests of UK fishermen and retains our share of the Community 's fishing opportunities .
24 There was no script , it was planned to start at Craven Arms station and work our way up the course on the old line .
25 We continued to take actions in the first quarter to strengthen our product line , consolidate manufacturing and development resources and reduce our overall workforce .
26 We should be using the £10,000 million that is spent on Trident to create jobs in the United Kingdom and to improve our national health service .
27 Richard Chambers , a fine caver who had helped me photograph the Yordas Cave main chamber , Jeff Clegg and Matt Kirby of the Earby Mines Research Group and myself left the road near Gunnerside Lodge and clanked our way up the old miners ' path along the west side of Gunnerside Gill one damp late September evening .
28 We 've beefed up popular entertainment at six-thirty with an hour of comedy strands , which helps the news readers and boosts our share .
29 We 've consulted the leading names in the motor industry and racked our own brains to come up with the definitive answer to one of the ultimate pub arguments .
30 Dianne Gregory , UK credit manager , takes up the story : ‘ When we met with Graydon we were facing a challenge common to most credit managers — how to analyse the risk on our sales ledgers and enable our credit controllers to focus their efforts most effectively .
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