Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [be] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 Even the fact that he , Mallachy , drank regularly in the Wellington Park was cause for comment .
2 Driver Colin McRae is champion for the second year running … he 's won all six rounds of the home championship … and if he becomes the first Brit since 76 to win the rally he 'll land the bonus prize of a hundred thousand pounds …
3 That to Sergeant Joe was money for old rope .
4 That Superbrain with a quarter megabyte of memory has only a finite life and then any records and software dedicated to its operating system is material for the e-paleographers .
5 Well , you learned to hold your own in those days , but some , some of them were n't too particular about bathing and what washing you know things like that , but er you got the usual crop of pigeon flies but there was no hooliganism , occasionally when , when it was election time and when Sir Richard was candidate for one year I remember , they came round and the people from Street and round that road they paraded through Caldmore and Palfry and there was a little bit of rough stuff went on there heckling and booing and shouting , but I do n't think any harm done .
6 The most common reason for children returning to the danger areas was homesickness for parents and relatives , or parents worrying endlessly about them .
7 Stephen is runner-up as Photographer of the Year , while his daughter Lucy from the Lancashire Evening Post is runner-up for the Young Journalist of the Year .
8 Mr Janner is MP for Leicester West , where Mr Egelstedt has been staying with Iain and Sue Baughan , who were toasting Mr Clarke .
9 Community care is support for people who need help to cope with life as independently as possible , either in their own homes or in other accommodation in the community .
10 For more than 30 years Mr Hewitt was coroner for South West Durham , retiring from that position when he became a judge in 1980 .
11 Perhaps some people 's preoccupation with job titles on business cards is compensation for this .
12 On the menu bar are Search for finding articles quickly rather than scrolling manually through the word list , View to find photographs , videos , maps and magazine covers and Mark for marking a place in an article and making notes .
13 The Minister droned on at length about all the things Britain was doing for animal welfare in Europe .
14 In fact 30–40% of all polytechnic courses are Council for National Academic Awards ( CNAA ) validated , and in spite of the insistence by CNAA validating panels that library instruction should be written into CNAA degree courses , it is accepted more in spirit than in practice .
15 The plan is to do for the food industry what the Medical Research Council 's Cell tech offshoot is doing for genetic engineering in medicine .
16 Lizzy Burrows was game for anything and everything .
17 Alesis reverb units are par for the course in home studios ; and their 3630 should enjoy the same popularity .
18 The red army marches on its stomach , although the dream of Wembley and premier league football is food for thought .
19 Cup draw is hell for Hull
20 The original and present populations of all three species have never been assessed reliably , but because of their restricted distribution and the uncertainty of their numbers , the extent of their killing by crab fishermen is cause for grave concern .
21 There was another feature of the accumulated data at this time that would cause problems later , namely their mistaken belief that the 2500 keV peak was evidence for neutrons ; a true neutron capture peak should occur at 2224 keV .
22 Andrew Stanley is captain for the night
23 If the expectations hypothesis is valid , the expected return from the futures position is zero for both the long and the short ( see ( 8.17 ) ) .
24 Braun said that the ‘ order books are cause for cautious optimism .
25 The golf season was triumph for Robert McLaren ( Craigforth ) who in the final of the Pearce Cup beat Charles Brown , the conqueror of Willie Thomson ( Craigforth ) in the semi-final .
26 Stone retreat is kingdom for a Morse
27 They were either non-existent or perfunctory — ‘ none ’ , ‘ not been addressed recently ’ , ‘ school nurse is link for health ed ’ ( secondaries ) .
28 Principal ministers , with the rank of Minister of State : Fidelis Cabral de Almada ( Minister of State at the Presidency ) ; Carmen Perreira ( Social Affairs ) ; Col. Manuel dos Santos ( Economy and Finance ) ; Júlio Semedo is Minster for Foreign Affairs .
29 John Lawton was master for this voyage , fresh from another ship but prudently bringing his own cook with him : it fell to Robert Titford to be first mate .
30 Crawford 's first London stage play was Change for the Angel , at the small Arts Theatre Club , in Great Newport Street .
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