Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] just been " in BNC.

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1 Their companion cast them exactly the sort of curious glance Isabel had just been anticipating .
2 But as one door closes , another opens — and the former Larne defender has just been appointed manager of Smithwick 's Amateur League Premier side Drumaness Mills .
3 We felt pretty helpless in the train , as we did not know whether any arrangements had been made to meet us at Canton , but at the station we were welcomed by a Min. of Education official , together with a teacher-interpreter from Canton university , who surprised us with his urbane manner , excellent English , and his knowledge that David Owen had just been made the substantive Foreign Secretary to replace Anthony Crossland ( and that , incidentally , is about the last news we have heard about affairs in the U.K. ! ) .
4 Leggy Linda Lusardi has just been told that her new job involves moving in with seven adoring men .
5 Old Mr David Hughes has just been told by his doctors that he 'll have to retire , and the younger members of the family would prefer to sell out and start up on their own .
6 As a matter of interest and as a direct result of our attendance at five of these Auctions — a total of 37 unweaned foals and ponies were rescued , and a small FOAL SANCTUARY has just been set up in Burnley for their rehabilitation .
7 This duly arrived and the five hour Test Programme has just been successfully completed at the farm strip at Weston Underwood where Midge is presently ‘ stationed ’ She has company too — her stable mate is a Tiger Moth : G-AMHF .
8 The effect of Dr McNab 's arguments was by no means as overwhelming as might be supposed ; with the best will in the world and in ideal circumstances it is next to impossible to escape cerebral indigestion as someone quotes comparative figures as fluently as Dr McNab had just been doing .
9 In U.S. , by contrast , the Williamsburg Folk Museum has just been trebled in size , at a cost of $8 million .
10 At Hanworth he met a girl named Hanna Reitsch.She had just been towed across the English Channel in a glider .
11 Long-awaited consultation from the Scottish Office on the inspection of social work services has just been published this week .
12 Alan Smith had just been appointed editor and was about to change the whole face of the paper , ditching those who revered Cilla as the greatest swinger on the block .
13 On Sept. 6 , Radiodiffusion Nationale Tchadienne had announced from Ndjaména , the capital , that a peace agreement had just been signed with the rebel Chadian National Front ( FNT ) .
14 Ynyslas and the adjacent caravan site crossing have just been done .
15 Nearby , a cart horse had just been released from its harness and was busy munching at its fodder ; the up-ended cart stood to one side .
16 The product of umpteen years research has just been revealed : The Black Hornet .
17 Mr Wolfe had just been doing his customary job of explaining to the passengers why we were late : ‘ We have an emergency situation which is not a real alarm situation . ’
18 If a limitation period has just been missed , one useful argument is the fact that it is possible to issue proceedings one day before limitation expires and then to hang on to them for four months before they are served .
19 The price of oil was tumbling again , one of his most reliable brokers on Wall Street had just been arrested for insider dealing , the acquisition of a highly prestigious London hotel had been held up by a query as to who actually owned it and , back home , one of his sisters had just committed suicide , causing a tremor of scandal throughout the country .
20 The McCapra String Quartet have just been reappointed Aldeburgh Quartet in Residence for the second year running .
21 Eastbourne lifeboat had just been recovered after an exercise when the crew heard the ship 's initial Mayday on their radio and were able to identify the vessel by radar and pass on her position to Dover Coastguard .
22 Stephen Brown has just been head-hunted from Alcan as new managing director and ‘ heir apparent ’ .
23 He also confirms that a heavy goods vehicle has just been loaded and is about to leave for another customer in Tamworth .
24 Mrs Ditchburn had just been to her local shops at Cotteslow to buy her great-grandson a birthday card when she was set upon .
25 The group-wide identification of management development needs has just been concluded and the new course calender will shortly be circulated .
26 Second was the husband of Mrs Chapple ; Mrs Chapple had just been admitted to hospital and seemed unlikely to return home :
27 Harry Enfield has just been through a tough day auditioning people for his new BBC comedy series .
28 Contraceptives can not be sold freely — Ireland 's Family Planning Association has just been fined in the courts for putting condoms on sale in a Dublin record store — and divorce is illegal .
29 The morning mail had just been delivered , along with the daily newspaper .
30 David Anderson of Bures is a director of the Costa Rican company SACRAC , whose disease-free hybrid coconut palm seed has just been licensed for import into the United States , Mexico and Honduras .
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