Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [verb] and [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Profile non-slip promenade roof tiles from Hamilton Building Products protect and insulate flat roofs in one simple installation .
2 The Family Heart Association is urging more people to have their cholesterol level checked and act on doctors ' advice .
3 The contribution may include : initiation and development , in which personnel specialists play an innovatory and dynamic role in promoting employee communications ; training in communication skills ; and review , in which personnel experts check and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of communications .
4 Let us consider some of the chief influences which determine the official curriculum schools follow and assess changes which have taken place and trends which may be emerging .
5 Yeah well we was , we was gon na go down the west coast go and see Rome and then down from there .
6 Charlotte go in your little tent Mummy come and say hello through the window .
7 Not that he was playing any flash lead parts but to keep a strong rhythm part going and sing at the same time is rather like having to twiddle both your thumbs in opposite directions at the same time .
8 Get your shorthand skills sharpened and come through .
9 That 's where people who 've got crap cars go and try and get bits to stick them together .
10 As the CV system improves , the blood vessels enlarge and become more elastic , and the heart becomes bigger and stronger .
11 Continue the detailed investigation of the four action areas identified and implement the agreed improvements .
12 You may also see otters , or their pug marks , where they slip quietly into the loch , keeping Strathbeg trout alert and fit .
13 She says the pig plays hide and seek .
14 She says the pig plays hide and seek .
15 ‘ It 's an opportunity to keep my club commitment going and have a look at what the Wales set-up entails ’ , he said in one of the many television interviews that followed his appointment as Davies 's no. 2 .
16 In corporatist reasoning elites collude and collaborate rather than compete .
17 ‘ Each kind of eagle has its sacred site in whose sanctuary dark forces weaken and lose their grip .
18 A weeping standard achieves a different form by having not a bush type but a rambler budded into the top of the stem , from where the long flexible rambler stems hang and drape down like a floral curtain .
19 ‘ Please , Guider , could we have a Pack Venture to help Miss Miggs go and stay with her nephew at Christmas ?
20 His sheets were scorched after the white plastic monitor box melted and set fire to the carpet .
21 Six Grammar review and Grammar practice sections consolidate and practise the points covered in the previous two issues .
22 Finally , on the educational scene there are devices like the Texas Instruments Speak and Spell which recites a word that must then be spelt correctly and foreign language dictionaries that pronounce the words .
23 Doctors believe the majority of cancer tumours grow to a certain stage before their cell walls rupture and release enzymes .
24 Convection currents rise and diverge below mid-oceanic ridges and converge and descend along subduction zones .
25 Only in this case can breathing and heartbeat continue independently of the patient 's own ability to sustain them .
26 As front desk personnel come and go , training and retraining is crucial for the daily success of any system .
27 Professionals involved with child protection define and explain it in different and sometimes conflicting ways , and adopt quite different stances about the way it should be undertaken ( Stainton Rogers and Stainton Rogers , 1989 ) .
28 Those aware that in May 1989 Sotheby 's New York sold for $67 million a small group of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings inherited and collected by Ortiz-Patiño and once displayed in his house in Switzerland ( notable among the eight paintings offered at the time was Gauguin 's ‘ Mata Mua ’ , a Tahitian composition that sold for over $24 million to its former co-owner , Baron Thyssen , having been jointly purchased by Ortiz-Patiño and Thyssen only five years before at Sotheby 's New York for $3.85 million ) , may ask themselves how will Jaime Ortiz-Patiño furnish and decorate his London flat ?
29 No. 12 deals with road wagon repairs , though it is tending to become also a motor road vehicle body making and repair shop as these vehicles are becoming more numerous .
30 Governments and other public sector organisations plan and manage policy areas such as housing , education and law and order .
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