Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb -s] out the " in BNC.

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1 In Compressor/Expander mode , compression on the neck pickup swells out the tone to a given ceiling and sustains it , making it good for McCartney-esque melodic lines , but also for slapping , as the limiter-like properties of the compressor prevent massive explosions of sound .
2 Scott Rockenfield pulses out the backbone framework on his suitably futuristic kit over which Chris DeGarmo and Micahel Wilton drape intricate guitar flesh .
3 Scott Rockenfield pulses out the backbone framework on his suitably futuristic kit over which Chris DeGarmo and Micahel Wilton drape intricate guitar flesh .
4 As might be expected , the judgment of Parke J. sets out the principles with precision , at p. 894 :
5 So your actual fishing procedure goes something like this : An underarm or side cast lays out the end tackle neatly at an angle downstream .
6 The practice note sets out the auditors ' reporting responsibilities and the contents of the auditors ' report in some detail , and provides some guidance on qualified reports .
7 And where a boot is where only the booty bit comes out the , the , the glass window does n't come up as well .
8 Trying to write a quality procedure to describe each management process flushes out the ‘ motherhood ’ statements and causes the re-examination and refinement of each process until a simple management procedure can be drafted which is clearly understood and accepted by operators .
9 In dealing with the matter of bringing a slave to the ordeal Childebert sets out the time-scale of the case , and states that his deadlines are as required in Lex Salica .
10 ( If the limescale was indeed clumping together , this is what one might expect — a sand filter takes out the finest particles ) .
11 Mr Gilchrist points out the strategic difference between the Abbey and the Guardian distribution .
12 Editor , — Robert Bluglass sets out the views endorsed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists concerning community mental health legislation .
13 Body language spells out the bitter divide
14 William Perkins sets out the conventional position vis-à-vis class .
15 Jo Lawton checks out the EPL 4300 and smooths out the bumps
16 Here Mrs Whitehouse spells out the message :
17 Robin Dewhurst singles out the main attractions
18 Photographs can be taken and scanned to produce pictures , but a video camera cuts out the photographic process and allows real-life images to be included in documents at no cost other than the initial outlay .
19 Keyboard artist , conductor and scholar Ton KOOPMAN is our second interviewee ; Joanne Talbot seeks out the essence of this contemporary ‘ renaissance ’ man .
20 The service specification sets out the quality standards that purchasers expect .
21 Dundee Grouping Chief Manager Roddy Reid tries out the exercise bike watched by ( standing , from left ) , Derek Cavellini , Suzanne Mousley , Paul Denton , Linda Findlay , Russell Todd , Barrie Liddle , Joyce Cox , Alison Fraser and Leo Micaleff ; kneeling , Stephanie Lessels and Lesley Ellis .
22 Table 5 — 23(4) ( a ) in the SFA Rulebook sets out the required contents of a two-way customer agreement .
23 LES CARGO tastes out the restaurants at Courmayeur , Italy
24 However , the British sex and race discrimination legislation spells out the equivalent concepts of direct and indirect discrimination .
25 ABOVE : Old man Roberts checks out the family album .
26 Citing Lévi-Strauss 's analogy between the object of exchange in each of these systems and Jakobson 's zero-phoneme , Jacques Lacan draws out the consequences of this paradigm for ( male ) discourse :
27 STU BAILIE checks out the record shelves for oddball varieties of cowboy junkies , Tex Mex , hat acts , Canuck contenders and pony-tailed gits , and finds a couple of decent records
28 This Agreement between the Secretary of State for Employment and the Chief Executive of the Employment Service sets out the aim and objectives of the Employment Service and the targets to be met in year 1 April 1993 to 31 March 1994 .
29 The ozone layer screens out the sun 's harmful rays and serious depletion could severely affect human health , causing more skin cancer , eye cataracts and premature aging .
30 But Paul Ricoeur points out the fact that most such theories are simulations of our internalized grammar of narrative , which is based perforce on narrative structures that have been made common in the past ( 1986:139–40 ) .
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