Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb -s] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 The letter does not make specific the details of the matter , as one would hardly expect it to do , but Miss Kenton states unambiguously that she has now , in fact , taken the step of moving out of Mr Benn 's house in Helston and is presently lodging with an acquaintance in the nearby village of Little Compton .
2 In his book on the African media , Dennis Wilcox remarks critically that the difficulty with this ‘ typical attitude ’ on the part of African leaders lies in their being ‘ both judge and jury of what was in the national interest ’ .
3 The Parliament Act provides merely that the life of Parliament will end by effluxion of time , five years to the day after its first meeting , only if it has not previously been dissolved by the monarch and , these days , it invariably is .
4 Dr Ward suggests instead that canal construction was more generally related to the level of economic activity , slackening with the economy for example from the mid 1770s to 1782 .
5 The Court of Appeal rejected her arguments , pointing out that the statutory duties to ensure " good taste " and " due impartiality " are imprecise , and that the Broadcasting Act requires only that the IBA should approve a satisfactory system for monitoring standards and public reactions .
6 The Sun newspaper reports today that the programme will be formally axed later this year and will be replaced in February by another music show .
7 Prince Sihanouk knows well that the problem is not the Hun Sen government , but the Khmer Rouge .
8 Mr Colston-Hayter warns darkly that if laws are introduced to prevent all-night parties , the ‘ right to freedom of association ’ would be compromised , and calls on the Government ‘ committed to freedom ’ to reconsider .
9 W.H. Hudson says somewhere that 18 May is the crown of the English summer : in the Midland fields on that day these miles of snowy hedges reach perfection , so dense and far-reaching that the entire atmosphere is saturated with the bitter-sweet smell whichever way the summer wind is blowing .
10 Kit Martin emphasizes strongly that he makes houses not flats .
11 The small number of first papers published in high-ranking journals by Dundee and Strathclyde universities suggests either that both departments place relatively limited importance on publication in such journals , or that the work itself was not suitable for publication in them .
12 The small number of first papers published in high-ranking journals by Dundee and Strathclyde universities suggests either that both departments place relatively limited importance on publication in such journals , or that the work itself was not suitable for publication in them .
13 Mr Larkin writes here that it is always true that the idea for a poem and a snatch or line of it come simultaneously .
14 Intelligence and savagery were the order of the day , though Fred Dellar remembers fondly that the most terrible of the enfants , Tony P and Julie B , would bring him cream cakes every week .
15 Martin Harrison says simply that ‘ Bailey ended that era ’ .
16 Mrs Whitman says now that it might not happen ‘ in six months or six years ’ .
17 This is confused : it was Robert who went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem , dying on the return journey in 1035 , and Ralph Glaber says clearly that it was he who married and divorced Estrith .
18 Copy it to Andrew and then Andrew knows when the I B I S invoice comes forward that it 's something to be
19 The motion away from the wall is apparent in Fig. 21.19(a) and the spacing of the dye patches shows also that this fluid is moving downstream more slowly than average .
20 However , the hover fly and poached egg association shows clearly that this is a direction in which a great deal of research needs to be done .
21 Jennifer Owen argues convincingly that this amounts to a very significant area of habitat , she shows clearly and simply how it may be improved , and for the dedicated wildlife gardener she says enough to encourage an attempt at recording .
22 Lord Alexander says now that the Development Plans were never taken seriously , that it was then thought ‘ a nonsense ’ to try to project five years ahead .
23 Albert Lubin remarks perceptively that the presence of babies ‘ relieved his sadness , and numerous drawings and paintings of babies attest to his fascination with recreating them . ’
24 The preface to the exposure draft states clearly that the provisions of the proposed SAS aim to encourage fuller disclosures than have emerged under current practice .
25 Andrew Knight says now that there was no target .
26 It was another good example of why the sooner it is possible to delay the first round of the World Group matches so that there is more than a full week between them and the first Grand Slam tournament of the year , the better .
27 According to the teletype , ‘ the handwritten duty sheet indicates only that the luggage was unloaded from Air Malta 180 .
28 European general manager Barry Betts hints darkly that Microsoft has great plans for a combination of NT and FoxBase , and wonders whether the current compatibility problems will ever be sold , Xbase or not .
29 FAO 's pest control programme is aimed at educating farmers in the way rice grows so that they can sharply reduce the amount of pesticides applied , leaving natural predators to keep the crop healthy .
30 Elite autonomy means simply that circumstances exist in which the political elites representing a given social group can bargain on behalf of ‘ their ’ communities without fearing that compromises will lead to their removal and the substitution of a new elite for the social group .
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