Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [is] [pron] of " in BNC.

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1 Barney Edwards is something of an enigma .
2 The title Kirkby Hill Races is something of a misnomer , as it refers not to a race but to an election .
3 Snow Blizzard is something of a quirky character but would win Lingfield 's mile and a half Taurus Handicap if adapting to the all weather surface .
4 Jonathon Webb 's something of a hero in Bath .
5 But on this issue Spain is something of an exception .
6 Mr Bloomfield is something of a legend in sports publishing .
7 One of our longest contracts is at George Outram in Glasgow , publishers of the Glasgow Herald and Evening Times , where Mary Mulgrew is something of an institution .
8 Quite how a man who could not bear to hurt a living thing after seeing the damage his childhood air-rifle did to a starling could serve as defence secretary is something of an enigma .
9 Alfred Walter is something of an expert on Viennese music particularly that of the Johann Strauss era .
10 The East stand is somewhat of a boon for us ‘ traditionalists ’ who like to stand to watch our teams play … when the Leeds Bond came out one of the perks was season tickets for the new seats in the East Stand at Kop standing prices ( for then existing Kop season ticket holders ) which is/was 180 quid .
11 The Ann Cam Citizen is lots of good consumer items .
12 The string quartet on this EMI disc promises at first to be an effective and not unoriginal exercise in the expressionist tradition , but the end result is something of a disappointment .
13 What the hell business is it of theirs ?
14 But in this particular lesson the decision structure is something of a mirage , for as we have already pointed out at this stage the situation is not real enough for these children to be making anything but a superficial gesture — going through the motions of making a decision .
15 Chris Evans is something of a star and was a finalist in the ‘ Army Chef of the Year ’ competition in 1989 .
16 Kicking sand in the face of established practice , Jon Edgson is something of a rebel as far as interior design is concerned .
17 A Music Hall sling from 1890s , introduced by the Irish comedians O'Connor and Brady , had probably first popularised the word : How it came to be adopted by , and applied to , youthful street gangs is something of a mystery .
18 Mister C is something of a godsend for the British press .
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