Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [to-vb] to his " in BNC.

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1 Sniffing cocaine was just normal behaviour among the people he mixed with , and he developed his own cocaine addiction to add to his years of boozing , as he described :
2 Mr Devi Lal , for example , who had been lobbying hard for the home ministry to add to his deputy premiership , had to content himself with the agriculture ministry .
3 He followed this with two good 40s against England A to add to his agile if not entirely flawless ‘ keeping ’ .
4 The return of Chettle , who has been out of favour for a month , will enable Roy Keane to revert to his more accustomed midfield position from the centre of defence .
5 The old Earl adored her , especially as for every birthday and Christmas she bought him a walking stick to add to his collection .
6 His recall will allow Willie Falconer to switch to his more natural position of midfield .
7 Lord Waddington quickly left the swish hotel to return to his official residence Government House — a 60-room Victorian mansion with swimming pool and 30 acres of gardens .
8 But then he gave up concert performances to retire to his home in Texas .
9 It was Lord Clive of India who bought the estate in 1760 from Lord Herbert ( he had already acquired the Walcot estate to add to his patrimony of Styche ) , and directed his agent to improve the whole property .
10 Thus President Woodrow Wilson not only insisted that the United States fight as an " associated " power — not an ally — but also later failed to persuade the US Senate to agree to his vision of a League of Nations .
11 Now , at last , Alfonso called out to El Cid to come to his aid .
12 Crosby also has injury worries to add to his team selection problems , and he will not name his line-up until just before the start .
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