Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb mod] as well " in BNC.

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1 Council spending might as well be another foreign language to younger pupils at Pitteville School at Cheltenham in Gloucestershire , but decisions taken by county politicians at tomorrow 's crucial budget meeting could effect every school in the county .
2 Those who want equal time for creation science in biology classes might as well make similar demands for Flat Earth theory in astronomy classes .
3 Carr drove home fundamental points , but said nothing about the actual working practices of historians , and , in his inspirational advocacy of a new kind of socialist history , left students with the impression that the solid , source-based stuff which formed their staple diet might as well be cast into the dustbin .
4 Oh dear If you 're not going to eat that piece of cake Mark may as well throw it out .
5 ‘ And as for the Vancouver race , ’ she went on blithely , ‘ Laurentide Ice might as well melt right now , but Sparrowgrass and Voting Right are both in with a good chance .
6 In a cutting reference to Rovers ' multi-millionaire chairman , he scoffed : ‘ Jack Walker might as well buy Walker 's Crisps before he gets Roy Keane .
7 Over the past few games McAllister might as well stayed in bed for all he did IMHO .
8 Assuming the trustees use the loan to acquire Newco shares which they then distribute to employees ( relying on the Revenue 's press release of 5 December 1990 to ensure the trust does not suffer a capital gains tax charge ) , they will not be able to repay the borrowings , in which case Newco might as well have made a gift of the necessary funds to the trustees at the outset .
9 Li Yuan might as well try to harness Change itself as try to force the boy 's talents to conform to the needs of State .
10 In fact , if the answers given by 40 per cent of women quizzed for a new survey are anything to go by , the EC president might as well Jacques it in …
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