Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [vb past] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Hereford defence fell to pieces , apart from Judge who did everything and more to try to keep them out .
2 The truck driver survived with injuries , firemen said .
3 However , in statements after his election Polozkov appeared at pains to emphasis his loyalty to Gorbachev and support for perestroika , and to refute his reputation for conservatism .
4 Herr Nordern groped for words as he stared at the envelopes with Steinmark written across them .
5 £8,000 haul by ram-raiders RAM-RAIDERS escaped with camcorders worth more than £8,000 after driving a stolen car through the windows of Northern Electric 's showroom on Clifton Moor , York early yesterday .
6 Gary Corbett arrived in handcuffs at Bristol Crown court this morning facing the accusation that he killed a small baby .
7 Lowndes Queensway failed with debts of £200M , despite two refinancings and substantial asset sales .
8 Supporters of Schutt 's multiple-stresses hypothesis pointed to studies of tree rings in West Germany , Switzerland and other countries , which showed a long-term slowing in growth well before the year in which visible signs of decline had developed .
9 nineteenth century , the Nez Perce fought with clubs , lances and their most famous weapon , a bow of mountain sheep horn .
10 Radical reshaping of the group 's operations away from retail outlets and into bakery operations led to write-offs last year , but this time there were no below-the-line expenses for store closures .
11 He was an exacting colleague , and college meetings lasted for hours as he reminisced about the past ; but it was his way of educating the fellows in the traditions of the college .
12 Two IRA car bombs exploded within minutes , wrecking scores of offices in the commercial heart of the city .
13 Ms. Quant confided to delegates that she often jollied Plunkett ( her husband , entrepreneur Alexander Plunkett-Green ) into helping her dye her pubic hair some fantasy shade , or to trim it to a neat heart shape .
14 Miss Hayes turned to films in the 1930s , winning her first of two Academy Awards for her role in The Sin of Madelon Claudet ( 1931 ) .
15 A FRANTIC pre-match ticket scramble was sparked today in Co Derry as thousands of anxious Gaelic football fans battled for places at next weekend 's All-Ireland showdown at Croke Park .
16 The concessions Edward made on matters such as purveyance and unparliamentary taxation went a long way towards meeting the grievances of the commons , and the king was able to mobilize the resources he required for war .
17 She stood very neatly beside her in the little room that Miss Potts shared with Mams Audiponde at North Tower .
18 The Quimper dish lay in pieces upon the floor .
19 Tin bow drew across strings , tin flute moved against furred mouth .
20 A close friend of the disgraced boss of Mint and Boxed says the bribes were paid in two £20,000 instalments smuggled in boxes containing the toy firm 's catalogues .
21 Q : In your October edition , David Hernon wrote regarding problems accessing his hard disk .
22 After experience of observing and administering a practical circus in their own schools , teachers in one liaison group travelled to schools in second-phase LEAs * and instructed other teachers in the administration of the test .
23 Just down the road at Shalford , electrical contractor Schupke collapsed with debts of £100,000 and the loss of 21 jobs .
24 Scores of car buyers flocked to showrooms yesterday encouraged by a Budget package aimed at kickstarting the motor industry .
25 During the 12th plenum of the Albanian Worker 's Party ( AWP ) central committee on Nov. 6-7 , President Ramiz Alia called for changes to the country 's 1976 Constitution , including a redefinition of the leading role of the party and freedom for religious beliefs .
26 And so , on the evening of 31 December 1962 , Jacob , Katherine and Leo waited in a living room decked in flowers and soft lights for the first guests to arrive .
27 Small Ryokan tucked into steps .
28 Several R.A.F. planes crashed at locations throughout the county but it was three years until the next disaster brought death and destruction to a quiet residential street in Prestwick .
29 The necklace was a collar of dull silver , two hinged silver pieces knobbed with moonstones which snapped into place around her lean neck and rose up almost to her chin so that she could hardly move her head .
30 Behind him was a kind of triptych with ferny foliage , to the left and right , enclosing a watery space in which rosy and silver fish shone between pond-weeds .
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