Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It was at the end of the Fifties that the joke became popular about one high-powered executive calling another on his car telephone only to be told : ‘ He 's on the other line ’ .
2 Now Sammy was a character in himself he was a bachelor and his wi his sister was Fanny the elocutionist er and , and er there the women used to , to go into old Sammy 's shop on a Friday night simply to be entertained by all the wisecracks and nonsense that used to go on in there , and somebody would say I suppose you 're off this weekend and he 'd say yes I 'm off to my little widow in Wales , he had n't got a little widow in Wales at all now but it would the start of the conversation going .
3 Transferring to an alternative medium requires new data formats yet to be standardised and dependence on a new generation of hardware to read or download stored information .
4 This latter system , which was then available in at least some cases in Belgium , France , Greece , Italy and the Netherlands , allows legally effective service on a defendant resident abroad to be made by leaving the relevant document at the office of the parquet in the forum state .
5 With costly building work still to be done , Liverpool are faced with their worst cash crisis of modern times , despite winning the FA Cup last season .
6 He made a grunting noise just to be sure that Gurder heard him .
7 But copper , the major London Metal Exchange contract still to be denominated in pounds , did benefit .
8 Their cornucopian haul was to realise more than £10,000 in bills and banknotes , thus making it the largest highway robbery yet to be achieved .
9 Nineteenth-century specialist François Perreau-Saussine of Galerie du Carrousel has dropped in , together with Nicolas Joly from Galerie Yves Mikaeloff who is presenting ten pre-cubist and cubist drawings by Andre Mare alongside seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works , including an early La Hyre and one of the few Nicolas Mignards still to be found outside the Louvre .
10 But he had already scored both Arsenal goals — which may surprise Graham Taylor , who picked him for his England squad only to be told he 's not fit enough .
11 Cover with a piece of oiled foil or greaseproof paper and a board , or the base of one of the removable-base tart or cake tins now to be found in many kitchen utensil shops , to fit exactly inside the dish .
12 Was young Donald sound enough to be sent to contact other families ?
13 THE biggest swimming event ever to be held in the area , the European Sprint championships featuring many of the world 's top swimmers , will take place at Felling on November 27–28 next year .
14 HEALTH watchdogs yesterday welcomed news of a vital body scanner soon to be installed at Darlington Memorial Hospital .
15 In order to escape from the situation , my two colleagues below the surface unhooked from the safety line only to be swept away by the current .
16 Any rock and border plants still to be lifted , split-up and re-planted should be dealt with as soon as possible .
17 We have doubled our medical input to our immunisation clinics and struggled through the difficulties of vaccine availability only to be informed that we are working for no reward .
18 One of the finest wall paintings yet to be uncovered in Britain has been found in the chapel at Chester Castle .
19 The problem of how the digger wasp locates her home has a special place in the history of ethology : it was one of the first questions about behaviour mechanisms ever to be asked , and experimentally answered .
20 They say cheap beer imports are hitting the government 's pocket and they want beer taxes here to be frozen .
21 ‘ Withdrawal ’ means removal from the library stock either to be thrown away ( discarding ) or donated to another library .
22 If we acted unilaterally , we should end up putting out of business our own egg producers just to be flooded with eggs produced under the very system that we had banned .
23 A mechanism of transferring any remaining useful modules to new media items , releases media items either to be destroyed , in the case of optical disks , or returned to the system as ‘ new ’ media items , in the case of reusable media items such as magnetic disks .
24 These are the direct forerunners of the legal advice centres now to be referred to and all such centres relied exclusively on volunteer professional legal personnel .
25 Second on the agenda after establishing a good personal relationship is trade and the economy , with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade talks still to be completed .
26 We have gathered together the largest and most spectacular collection of Indian BANJARA embroidery ever to be shown in the UK .
27 I hope to build a V8 Land Rover mainly to be used on road so mpg and mph are important , but it must sound and look great ( wheels , tyres , etc. ) , do well off road and out perform my dad 's new Land Cruiser II Please could you give me some advice on model , diff ratio , tyres , etc. and initial purchase price .
28 The Financial Services Act requires insurance advisers either to be tied to a single insurance company , or to be entirely independent .
29 After nearly a decade down under he was overdue an entirely Australian subject — the Board of Control having disappointed him by refusing to let him write their official history : ‘ This is the one major cricket book still to be written in Australia .
30 Smectite and illite may form preferentially near the weathering front only to be eventually altered to kaolinite , and perhaps gibbsite , as gradual lowering of the weathering front and erosion at the top of the profile effectively causes individual clay mineral particles to move up through the profile .
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