Example sentences of "[noun] [noun] [noun prp] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Best of the roach and dace weights came from above the weir as Middlesbrough Newman Scotts ' skipper Dave Smiddy weighed in 9–3–8 to the waggler and maggot .
2 On 23 minutes Gary Peebles ' cross from the right was dropped by goalkeeper Nicky Brujos ; the ball dropped to Ritchie Johnston but his goalbound effort was cleared off the line by Kieran Loughran .
3 It could be the Slaters ’ and Tilers ' Institute of Cheshire , Lancashire Floor-Coverers Association , The Duke of Gisburn 's Light Cavalry Eleven 's Re-Union Dinner , Haslingden Plunge Bath Attendants ' Monthly Meeting , Wellingborough Skin Lifters ' Society , or the like .
4 As a competition winner , Dominic will join the rest of the band … at least the younger members … for a week at jazz musician Johnny Dankworths ' summer school .
5 He drove 40 miles from his house at Gosforth , Newcastle upon Tyne , to die near girlfriend Jean Manners ' home at Forcett , near Richmond , North Yorks .
6 For a £1,500 deal Barclays ' share shop is the dearest at £30 .
7 The script that lit the blue touchpaper , inflation wise , was David Mickey Evans ' Radio Flyer , the first purchase of incoming Columbia bosses Guber and Peters .
8 During a pause in the writing , while the deceased was taking a drink of water , he asked Mr. Morgan if Mr. Morgan knew Miss Sharon Hughes ' address .
9 The ‘ programmes ’ put together for visits organised by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos ' government rarely include stops at the ‘ Candonga ’ , or parallel market , whose high prices have fostered such names as Tira Bikini ( take off your underwear ) or Cala Boca ( shut up ) .
10 The horizons of Roman taste were revolutionised by Marcus Claudius Marcellus ' sack of Syracuse , the last independent city of Sicily , in 211 BC .
11 As with Bergstein et als ' patient , ours had a high PAI1 , but whereas they did transperitoneal dialysis to lower the PAI1 and enable fibrinolysis , we rapidly decreased the PAI1 by intravenous rtPA , effective lysis being demonstrated by clinical outcome and the changes in fibrin degradation products .
12 In July Beverley Nicolls ' Cry Havoc was published , an incoherent and emotional anti-war tract which predicted that a second world war would break out within a year .
13 There is no connection with Dr Louis Thomas ' work .
14 More than 600 claimants die awaiting compensation Barlow Clowes ' death toll rises .
15 Sophy Sanger was educated at Dr Elizabeth Dawes ' School , Weybridge , and at Newnham College , Cambridge , where she read mathematics ( 1899–1902 ) and then moral sciences , narrowly missing a first in 1903 .
16 These apocalyptic still lifes emphasise more strongly than the earlier work Christa Dichgans ' preoccupation with the psychic reality of objects .
17 Editions produced by members of the School include Dr Jonquil Bevan 's Oxford English Texts edition of Izaak Walton 's The Complete Angler ( 1983 ) , Dr Aidan Day 's edition ( with Professor Christopher Ricks ) of facsimiles of Tennyson manuscripts , The Tennyson Archive ( 30 volumes , Garland , 1987–92 ) , Professor Ian Donaldson 's Oxford Authors edition of Ben Jonson ( 1985 ) , Professor K.J. Fielding 's , Professor Ian Campbell 's and Ms A. Christianson 's Duke-Edinburgh edition of the Collected Letters of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle ( volumes 19–21 , 1993 ) , and Dr Michael Phillips ' edition of William Blake : ‘ An Island in the Moon ’ ( Cambridge University Press , 1987 ) .
18 ANYONE interested in future plans of Ellesmere Port Boys ' Club is invited to this evening 's annual general meeting .
19 Club AGM ANYONE interested in the future plans of Ellesmere Port Boys ' Club is invited to this evening 's annual general meeting .
20 I FULLY support your writer Rory Clements ' plea to save St Bart 's Hospital and understand his gratitude after his nephew was successfully treated there .
21 Reading Roger Davis ' account on page 42 is quite humbling .
22 We discuss , instead , literary genius and smack daddy William Burroughs ' involvement with Ministry .
23 Age Concern 's response to Sir Roy Griffiths ' review of community care emphasised the importance of community health services in care and rehabilitation of elderly people at home .
24 Hot favourite after the first two races is Witton-le-Wear-based Harry Williams ' Pond Curlew , which is unbeaten off 8 metres , winning by 5 9 and 7 lengths , with a best time for the 450-metres trip of 27.44 secs .
25 Scott 's Hidden Government and Leon de Poncins ' State Secrets .
26 Company director Peter Wickens ' body was found , clad only in socks , on wasteland in west London .
27 The Liberal Democrats , strong locally , have steadily eroded junior Welsh Minister Sir Wyn Roberts ' majority but need a swing of 3.7 per cent to take the seat — 13th on their target list .
28 The crowd , jubilant at President Fidel Ramos ' decision to allow the body 's return , pushed and shouted as the 727 jet , which bore an image of Marcos and the words ‘ I am a Filipino , ’ taxied to the terminal .
29 Sir John Harvey-Jones ' MANAGING TO SURVIVE : A GUIDE TO MANAGEMENT THROUGH THE 1990S ( £15 ) is published by Heinemann this week .
30 Based loosely around the theme of London landmarks accessible by tube , they have proved effective in reminding tubegoers of the unexplored delights of the metropolis : from Highgate Cemetery and Sir John Soames ' Museum to the Colombia Road flower market and Kew Gardens .
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